问题 问答题

某公路桥梁工程,开工后第八个月,施工承包商发现施工图纸有误,遂向监理工程师汇报了这一情况。经监理工程师审核,确实存在错误,经建设单位同意后,监理工程师责成承包单位对原施工图提供变更相应的图纸和说明。因施工图设计变更,导致施工单位停工待图,施工单位因停工待图导致工期拖延和费用增加,向原施工图设计单位提出索赔。 【问题】1.请指出材料中的不妥之处,并改正。 2.公路工程变更具体包括哪些变更 3.公路工程变更的确认过程是怎样的 4.公路工程变更价款的计算方法是什么 5.就停工待图事件,施工单位提出索赔和监理工程师答复的程序是如何规定的 6.监理工程师处理索赔的原则有哪些



解析:1.材料中的不妥之处及正确做法: (1)不妥之处:施工图有误,监理工程师审核后,经建设单位同意责成施工承包单位对原施工图提供变更相应的图纸和说明。 正确做法:施工中,承包人提出对施工设计变更时,需经监理工程师同意,也需经原规划管理部门和其他有关部门审查批准,并由原设计单位提供变更相应的图纸和说明。 (2)不妥之处:施工单位因停工待图向原施工图设计单位提出索赔。 正确做法:施工单位因停工待图应向建设单位提出索赔。 2.公路工程变更具体包括设计变更、进度计划变更、施工条件变更以及原招标文件和工程量清单中未包括的新增工程。 3.公路工程变更的确认过程: 提出工程变更→分析提出的工程变更对项目目标的影响→分析有关的合同条款和会议、通信记录→初步确定处理变更所需的费用、时间范围和质量要求→确认工程变更。 4.公路工程变更价款的计算方法: (1)合同中已有适用于变更工程的价格,按合同已有的价格计算变更合同价款。 (2)合同中有类似于变更工程的价格,可以参照此价格确定变更价格,变更合同价款。 (3)合同中没有适用或类似于变更工程的价格,由承包人提出适当的变更价格,经监理工程师确认后执行。 5.就停工待图事件,施工单位提出索赔和监理工程师答复的程序: (1)索赔事件发生后在合同规定的期限内,向监理工程师发出索赔意向通知。 (2)发出索赔意向通知后在合同规定的期限内,向监理工程师提出补偿经济损失和 (或)延长工期的索赔报告及有关资料。 (3)监理工程师在收到承包商送交的索赔报告和有关资料后,于合同规定的期限内给予答复,或要求承包商进一步补充索赔理由和证据。 (4)监理工程师在收到承包商送交的索赔报告和有关资料后,在合同规定的期限内未予答复或未对承包商作进一步要求,视为该项索赔已经认可。 (5)当索赔事件持续进行时,承包商应当阶段性向监理工程师发出索赔意向,在索赔事件终了后合同规定的期限内,向监理工程师送交索赔的有关资料和最终的索赔报告,索赔答复程序同以上所述。 6.监理工程师处理索赔的原则: (1)索赔必须以合同为依据。 (2)必须注意资料的积累。 (3)及时、合理地处理索赔。 (4)加强索赔的前瞻性,有效地避免过多索赔事件的发生。


People say, you can not change the environment, but can change their own; you can not change the facts, but can change attitudes; you can not change the past, but can be changed now; you can not control other people, but can be masters of our own; you can not do everything well, but can be conscientious in everything; you can not about the weather, but you can change the mood; you can not choose looks, but it can show a smile.

Indeed, one key to the success lies in his (her) mind. The difference between successful people and the losers are: winners will be setbacks and difficulties due to personal ability, experience, imperfect, to emphasize the inherent, they are willing to continuously improve and develop the right direction; and the losers will blame on the opportunity, and the environment injustice, emphasizing external and uncontrollable factors that created the position of their life, they always complain, wait and give up!

In many cases, is a humble person who is looked down upon his own. Person's appearance, his family, and so a priori condition that can not be changed, but at least inner state, the spirit of the will is entirely their own control. Mentality, the final decision of life high. There is no absolute bad thing, only the mentality of the absolute poor people. If even the state of mind will not adjust, how they deal with things more complicated than the mentality of it!

No matter what the situation, a person's attitude is very important. Passion put to work, and numbness sluggish to work completely different. Emerson said: "A move toward their goals is always people who gave him the whole world to give way." On the contrary, failure is not because we do not have the strength, but because we are susceptible to all around us, used to go along with the lack of assertive, attitude unstable, easily frustrated reason.

As long as we believe that the strength of mind, change their attitude and courage to face a number of disappointments in life, do not despair, brave go on. I believe the power of mind, mind you're in the height of the final decision.

小题1:The underlined word “humble” in Paragraph 3 probably means _____.




D.stubborn小题2: Where can you probably find the text?

A.In a popular magazine

B.In a tourist guidebook

C.In a physics textbook

D.In an official report小题3:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.You can change nothing.

B.The Power of Mind.

C.The secret of success.

D.The difference between successful people and the losers小题4: Which best describes the writer’s tone in the passage?




