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糖尿病是现代疾病中的第二杀手,其对人体的危害仅次于癌症。糖尿病是由于体内胰岛素绝对缺乏或相对不足引起的一种常见的慢性病。胰岛素其实是一种( )。




解析: 胰岛素是一种蛋白质类激素,体内胰岛素是由胰岛G细胞分泌的。在人体十二指肠旁边,有一个长形的器官,叫做胰腺。在胰腺中散布着许许多多的细胞群,叫做胰岛。胰岛素就是由胰岛J3细胞受内源性或外源性物质如葡萄糖、乳糖、核糖、精氨酸、胰高血糖素等的刺激而分泌的一种蛋白质激素。


All animals must rest, but do they really sleep as we know it The answer to this question seems obvious. If an animal regularly stops its activities and stays quiet and unmoving—if it looks as though it is sleeping—then why not simply assume that it is in fact sleeping But how can observers be sure that an animal is sleeping

They can watch the animal and notice whether its eyes are open or closed, whether it is active or lying quietly, and whether it responds to light or sound. These factors are important clues, but they often are not enough. Horses and cows, for example, rarely close their eyes, and fish and snakes cannot close them. Yet this does not necessarily mean that they do not sleep. Have you ever seen a cat dozing with an eye partly open Even humans have occasionally been observed to sleep with one or both eyes partially open. Animals do not necessarily lie down to sleep either. Elephants, for example, often sleep standing up, with their tusks resting in the fork of a tree. Finally, while "sleeping" animals often seem unaware of changes in the sounds and light and other stimuli around them, that does not really prove they are sleeping either.

Observations of animal behavior alone cannot fully answer the question of whether or not animals sleep. The answers come from doing experiments in "sleep laboratories" using a machine called the electroencephalograph (EEC). The machine is connected to animals and measures their brain signals, breathing, heartbeat, and muscle activity. The measurements are different when the animals appear to be sleeping than when they appear to be awake. Using the EEC, scientists have confirmed that all birds and mammals studied in laboratories do sleep. There is some evidence that reptiles, such as snakes and turtles, do not truly sleep, although they do have periods of rest each day, in which they are quiet and unmoving. They also have discovered that some animals, like chimpanzees, cats, and moles (who live underground), are good sleepers while others, like sheep, goats, and donkeys, are poor sleepers. Interestingly, the good sleepers are nearly all hunters with resting places that are safe from their enemies. Nearly all the poor sleepers are animals hunted by other animals: they must always be watching for enemies, even when they are resting.

According to the author, all animals()

A. spend some time resting

B. close their eyes when sleeping

C. are good sleepers

D. are poor sleepers