问题 单项选择题

The amazing success of humans as a (91) is the result of the evolutionary development of our brains which has led, among other things, to tool-using, tool-making, the (92) to solve problems by logical reasoning, thoughtful cooperation, and language. One of the most striking ways in which chimpanzees biologically (93) humans (94) in structure of their brains. The chimpanzee, with the capacity for (95) reasoning, (96) a type of intelligence more like that of humans than (97) any other mammal living today. The brain of the modern chimpanzee is probably not too dissimilar (98) the brain that so many millions of years ago (99) the behavior of the first ape man.
For a long time, the fact that prehistoric people made (100) was considered to be one of the major (101) distinguishing them from other creatures. (102) pointed out earlier, I have watched chimpanzees (103) grass stems in order to use them to probe for termites. It is tree that the chimpanzee does not (104) tools to "a regular and set pattern"—but then, (105) people, before their development of stone tools, undoubtedly poked around (106) sticks, and straws, at which stage it seems (107) , that they made tools to a set pattern either.
It is because of the close (108) in most people’s minds of tools with humans (109) special attention has always been focused upon any animal able to use an object as a tool: but it is important to realize that this ability, on its own, does not necessarily indicate any special intelligence in the creature (110) .







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问答题 简答题

本世纪60年代,天文学家发现了一种新型的变星,它有规律地发出射电脉冲讯号,所以取名为脉冲星.脉冲周期很短,最长为4-3秒,最短的只有0.0016秒,而且十分稳定准确,间隔的误差仅为0.00000001秒.什么样的天体能如此快速而稳定的发射脉冲讯号一个天体发生周期性变化,其可能的机制不外乎三种:轨道运动、脉动和自转.显然,前二者是没有可能的,不可能设想恒星相互绕转的周期会短到0.033秒.同理,脉动周期也不会短到不及几百分之一秒,且脉动不具有那样严格的准确性,所以,脉冲星不是脉动变星.剩下的唯一可能是恒星自转.可是,如此“疯狂般”的自转,不要说普通恒星承受不了,连白矮星那样致密的天体也会分崩离析.于是,学者们认定,它只能是人们早已预言的中子星.中子星是由中子组成的恒星.这是由于恒星演化到晚期,能量耗竭.若经引力塌缩,其剩余质量大于某一极值时,电子运动都不能抗衡原子核吸引力,就继续塌缩,经逆变形成大量自由中子,只是恒星密度很大,体积很小,形成中予星.中子星的直径只有几十公里,而它的质量却可以超过太阳.白矮星的密度已使人惊叹不已,但中子星的密度比它还要高出1亿倍以上.每立方厘米的这种物质,可达几亿吨到10亿吨.这样超高密度的天体,有足够强大的自引力,不致因高速自转而瓦解.中子星是如何发射脉冲的呢学者们认为,在这样的天体上可能形成一种条件,使它的射电波主要是从其表面的局部地区发射出来,而其他部分的辐射很弱.这样,中子星会像一个旋转着的喷头一样发出射电波,每转一周便朝观测者方向射出一束电波.这样间歇性的“闪烁”被称为“灯塔效应” “脉冲星”名称是指天体辐射的表现形式;“中子星”则表明这种恒星的物理性质.它已被观测所证实. (摘自陈自悟《地球概论》,高等教育出版社,1997)




