情景设定:学校运动会正在进行之中。校广播台“荣辱广角镜”栏目小记 者萧鸣看到了下面两组镜头。镜头一:男子接力比赛最后一棒,二班王强同学跌倒受伤,仍然坚持跑到了终点。镜头二:赛场周围,有部分同学说笑嬉闹,还将剩余的饮食和废弃物随手乱扔。假设你是萧鸣,请你从上面两组镜头中任选一组,并根据其内容为校广播台写一篇80词左右的短讯。
要求:1. 确定并围绕所选镜头进行表达,短讯内容应给予情景想象和细节扩展;
2. 对所选的镜头要有个人观点,提出表扬、倡议或批评、建议;
3. 词数80词左右,开始语已给出(不计入词数)。
提示词语:(镜头一)last lap, fall, hurt, get up, go on, shout, give up, highly;
(镜头二)out of, talk, laugh, waste, play, take part in, environment.
School sports meeting was still going on. __________________________________________________
(One possible version)
Scene one:
It was the last lap of the boys' 100-metre race! All the runners were trying their best to run fast. Suddenly, Wang Qiang, the runner from Class 2, fell and hurt his leg. But he didn't give up. Instead, he got up and went
on running to the finishing line. All the teachers and students shouted "Come on!" to him and spoke highly of
him. I think we should learn from Wang Qiang-Never give up, and try our best to do well in everything.
Scene two:
But out of the playground, a few of the students were talking and laughing loudly. Some students were
even playing cards under the trees. It seemed that the sports meeting had nothing to do with them. Some food
and drinks were not eaten or drunk up but wasted. Lots of litter could also be seen here and there. I think
everyone should take an active part in the sports meeting. It is also our duty to protect the environment around