问题 问答题

请在“考试项目”菜单上选择“电子表格软件使用”菜单项,完成下面的内容: (所有的电子表格文件都必须建立在指定的文件夹中) 1.打开工作簿文件EXI.XLS(内容如下),将工作表sheet1的A1:C1单元格合并为一个单元格,内容居中,计算“数量”列的“总计”项及“所占比例”列的内容(所占比例=数量/总计),将工作表命名为“人力资源情况表”。              




解析:① 首先需要解决的难题是合并单元格,这也是Excel的一项基本操作。选中需要合并的单元格,单击工具栏上[合并及居中]按钮。 ② 选定需要求出“总计”的数值B3:B6,单击工具栏上[自动求和]按钮。 ③ 在C3中键入“=B3/$B $7”公式,这里注意绝对地址和相对地址的区别,B3是相对地址,而SB $7是绝对地址,不会因为复制公式而变动。双击此单元格,出现公式,向下拖动右下角的实心方块填充到其他需要产生结果的单元格。这是可以发现填充的单元格都产生了数值,其实是将C3的公式复制到这些单元格中,因为位置变动相对地址“B3”就变成了B4、B5、B6,而绝对地址SB $7不变。2. ① 选中两个不相邻的单元格的方法是:按住Ctrl键,用鼠标分别选择单元格。 ② 单击工具栏上[图表向导]按钮,启动图表设置的“4步法”: 弹出[图表向导-4步骤之1-图表类型]对话框中选择[图表类型],在[子图表类型]中精确选择。 单击[下一步],在[图表向导-4步骤之2-图表源数据]对话框中选择[数据区域]。 单击[下一步],在[图表向导-4步骤之3-图表选项]对话框中设置[图表标题]。 单击[下一步],在[图表向导-4步骤之4-图表位置]对话框中选择[作为其中的对象插入]。



     根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

     Question: Mr. Smith, I am really ashamed (惭愧的) that I failed the exam. Actually, I tried my best._____

__(1). However, I brought home disappointing grades, which made me feel hopeless and helpless.

     Answer: Peter, I can understand your feelings. When I was a student, I had the same experience as you. But there are still some ways to deal with disappointing grades. _______(2).

     ●Act fast. The most important rule of dealing with disappointing grades is to act fast. ________(3). The

faster you face up to the problem, the faster you can find a solution.

     ●Ask for help. If you keep doing the same thing all the time, you'll undoubtedly keep getting the same

results. You can ask for help from a friend or fellow student. Ask for help with the subject matter and tips for


     ●________(4). Look over exam papers and assignments (作业) to see if you are having trouble with a

particular kind of question or concept. Examine your essays to see if you are explaining your ideas clearly and

completely, or if it is your writing (spelling,grammar, etc) that is letting your down.

     Dealing with disappointing grades is something that every student will face at one time or another. So please don't worry. _________(5). You will get good grades if you follow the right ways.

A There are many students who don't care about their grades.

B. Don't sit around or just ignore them.

C. I reviewed all my notes and often stayed up late before the exam.

D. All you need to do is devote yourself to solving these problems.

E. Tell your teachers or parents about your worries.

F. Figure out where you are having trouble.

G. I managed to improve my performance by changing my study habits.