问题 单项选择题










解析:6个月时能双手向前撑住独坐,生后4~10个月乳牙开始萌出,故考虑此女 6月龄。如拍摄腕部X线片,可显示骨化中心2个,即头骨和钩骨。



Many people think there is no need to take special care over home security.

“I’m all right, I’m insured (保险)”

Maybe—if you’re fully insured. Even then you can never recover the real value you place on your possessions. But you can’t insure against the upset and unhappiness that we all feel if our homes are torn apart by some stranger, our windows and doors broken, our precious possessions ruined.

“It won’t happen to me”

Won’t it? A home is broken into every minute or so of the day. The thefts of all kinds, including cars and property stolen from cars, happen twice as frequently.

“I’ve nothing worth stealing”

You may think not. But in fact everyone has something worth a thief’s attention. And we all have things of special value to us even if they’re worth little or nothing in cash terms.

“I’m just a tenant (房客) here”

The thief doesn’t care whether you’re a tenant or an owner-occupier. You’re just as likely to be robbed. Have a word with the owner of the house if you think extra locks and fastenings are necessary.

“They’ll get in anyway”

Most thieves are on the lookout for easy jobs. They are soon discouraged by houses they can’t get into in any quick and easy way. So it’s worth taking care.

“This booklet will help you”

It’s based on the practical experience of police forces throughout the country. Most of the suggestions will cost you only a few minutes extra time and thought. A few may involve some expense, but this is small compared with the loss and unhappiness you might otherwise suffer.

If you are in doubt, ask for free advice from the Crillle Prevention Officer at your local police station.

小题1:Why do you still need to protect your possessions when you’ve already insured them?

A.You tend to undervalue your possessions.

B.You cannot insure against damage to property.

C.A robbery can affect your moods at home.

D.It takes a long time to recover your belongings.小题2: What should a tenant do if he is worried about the security of his home?

A.Fix new locks on all the doors.

B.Discuss the matter with the owner.

C.Check it up with the police.

D.Keep careful watch of the house.小题3:The advertisement says that most thieves ______.

A.prefer stealing from offices

B.like causing a lot of damage

C.break into any places they desire

D.get prevented by perfect guard equipment小题4:This advertisement aims to influence people who ______.

A.have little sense of security

B.are not properly insured

C.are worried about home security

D.have their houses broken into