Let’s try to find out why getting fiber from whole foods is important for a healthy diet. Fiber has never been (67) you’d call a healthy nutrient. Suddenly, it’s a superstar: Manufacturers are (68) it to yogurt, juice, even (69) sweetener.But as with many (70) , there’s an unseemly back story: Experts aren’t sure that these fiber-boosted foods are (71) trying.Yes, you should eat lots of fiber. There’s no question that a diet (72) in high-fiber foods is a powerful lifesaver-it’s known to (73) the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and it helps (74) weight gain. Recent studies show a fiber-rich cuts the risk of breast cancer, too, and the (75) you’ll develop cancer of the small intestine. But the new foods might not (76) That’s (77) many of them use "isolated" fiber-stuff that’s been (78) out of the foods that (79) contained it, says nutrition expert Tara Gidus, RD. Isolated fibers are (80) and don’t turn juice and yogurt (81) a delicious, grainy food. The downside: There’s (82) evidence that they protect (83) chronic diseases. So go (84) and try a glass of fiber-boosted grape juice, or stir some (85) into your coffee along with your artificial sweetener. Just don’t forget to also eat more whole grains, beans, and fruits and vegetable-they’re (86) lifesavers.
要坚持中国特色 * * 倡廉道路,坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防方针,全面推进惩治和预防腐败体系建设,做到_____、政府清廉、政治清明。