问题 单项选择题

二战时期,盟军统帅艾森豪威尔指挥盟军实施了历史上规模最大的诺曼底登陆战役,奠定了盟军反败为胜的契机。艾森豪威尔能把多国的庞大武装力量合为一体,协调行动、共同战斗,足见其统帅能力非常人能及。随后,艾森豪威尔又以压倒性的胜利,击败声望极高的政坛老手史蒂文生,出任美国总统,成为最受美国人民爱戴的总统之一。其实,风光无限的艾森豪威尔还有一段很少有人提到的历史。大战结束后,艾森豪威尔曾一度出任哥伦比亚大学校长,时间还不短。可是,这位在战争中叱咤风云的英雄却在文人墨客遍及的地方毫无建树,唯一可圈可点的竟只是在校园内的草坪上,为懒于绕远路的学生开辟了一条便道。 这段文字意在告诉我们( )。







解析: 这是一道主旨题,文段首先讲了艾森豪威尔在军事、政治上的卓越成就,然后以“可是”为转折,引出重点,艾森豪威尔在任哥伦比亚大学校长期间却碌碌无为。前后的对比正是要告诉人们要站在适合自己的位置上。B项本身表述错误,C项不是文段想要表达的重点,D项是对文段部分内容的错误表述。故选A。


The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American by Jeff SmithOur real American foods have come from our soil and have been used by many groups — those who already lived here and those who have come here to live. The Native Americans already had developed an interesting cuisine using the abundant foods that were so prevalent.The influence that the English had upon our national eating habits is easy to see. They were a tough lot, those English, and they ate in a tough manner. They wiped their mouths on the tablecloth, if there happened to be one, and they ate until you would expect them to burst. European travelers to this country in those days were most often shocked by American eating habits, which included too much fat and too much salt and too much liquor. Not much has changed! And, the Revolutionists refused to use the fork since it marked them as Europeans. The fork was not absolutely common on the American dinner table until about the time of the Civil War, the 1860s. Those English were a tough lot.Other immigrant groups added their own touches to the preparation of our New World food products. The groups that came still have a special sense of self-identity through their ancestral heritage, but they see themselves as Americans. This special self-identity through your ancestors who came from other lands was supposed to disappear in this country. The term melting pot was first used in reference to America in the late 1700s, so this belief that we would all become the same has been with us for a long time. Thank goodness it has never worked. The various immigrant groups continue to add flavor to the pot, all right, but you can pick out the individual flavors easily.The largest ancestry group in America is the English. There are more people in America who claim to have come from English blood than there are in England. But is their food English Thanks be to God, it is not! It is American. The second largest group is the Germans, then the Irish, the Afro-Americans, the French, the Italians, the Scottish, and the Polish. The Mexican and American Indian groups are all smaller than any of the above, though they were the original cooks in this country.

Which of the following statements is true

A.People from other cultures or nations start to lose their self-identity once they get settled down in America.

B.The "melting pot" is supposed to melt all the foods but in reality it doesn’t.

C.The special sense of self-identity of people from other countries can’t be maintained once they become Americans.

D.The "melting pot" finds it capable of melting all the food traditions into the American tradition.

单项选择题 A1/A2型题