问题 单项选择题

Why did the share prices get a shock yesterday().

A.Because the pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar.

B.Because the American currency soared to a new peak.

C.Because the Footsie slumped forty-two points.

D.Because the government increased interest rates to fifteen per cent.




[听力原文]31-35 The pound plunged to its lowest level against the dollar for four years as the American currency soared to a new peak on the world’s financial markets. Share prices received a shock yesterday when the government increased interest rates to fifteen per cent. As a result, the Footsie slumped forty-two points closing at two thousand two hundred and eighty-one, its lowest level for ten weeks. Minsk Data announced reductions in its workforce yesterday. Because of a small dip in profits, the company is in the red for the first time. Yesterday, in a major collapse on the Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei average plunged five hundred and fifty-nine points because of the failure of the powerful New York bond market. And because of a sudden surge in profits from its overseas operations, Drexol is back in the black after two years of disappointing results. Well, there’s nothing like an attack of nerves on Wall Street for unsettling the world’s stock markets. Already, an overnight plunge of 53.71 in the Dow Jones has had an impact in the Far East. As a result the UK market is likely to be depressed later this morning. The Hang Seng Index fell almost 2% to 12, 882 ending a rally that’s been going on for several weeks. Back home -- having fallen 21 points yesterday, the London share market badly needs good news to improve the situation. However, rumors that Britain’s trade figures for the next quarter are disappointing again will not help.



材料一 (见下侧示意图)

材料二 日本军国主义者发动对华全面侵略,最致命的错误是大大低估了中国民众内部深深蕴藏着的那种无穷无尽的力量,特别是当中 * * 处于生死关头时那种万众一心的民族凝聚力。日本侵略者眼中看到的只有武器而看不到人。他们只从两国军事力量的对比出发,以为只要给中国有力的“一击”,只需要几个月就可以使中国屈服。可是,他们的算盘完全打错了,结果大大出乎他们意料,深深地陷入中国全民族抗战的泥淖中无法自拔。


材料三 孙先生手创之中国国民党,历尽艰辛,无数先烈前仆后继,终于推翻帝制,建立民国。光辉业绩,已成定论。国共两度合作,均对国家民族作出巨大贡献。首次合作,孙先生领导,吾辈虽幼,亦知一二。再次合作,老先生主其事,吾辈身在其中,应知梗概。事虽经纬万端,但纵观全局,合则对国家有利,分则必伤民族元气。今日吾弟在台主政,三次合作,大责难谢。……评价历史,展望未来,应天下为公,以国家民族利益为最高准则,何发党私之论!





