“跟单”中的“跟”是指跟进、跟随,跟单中的“单”是指贸易合同项下的订单。( )
Ade, a keen pottery collector, saw a notice for an auction of Bede pottery in the January edition of Antiques News. He travelled 300 kilometres to attend the auction in order to bid for a particularly rare example of Bede pottery, specifically mentioned in the lists of items to be auctioned. However, when he got to the auction site he found a notice outside, stating that the auction had been cancelled. Ade went into a nearby antique shop and saw an example of the type of pottery he had come to bid for. The price ticket stated that it was €500, but Ade said he was only willing to pay €350 for it. The shopkeeper, Chip, said he would sell it for €400 and as Ade said he would like time to think about it over lunch, Chip agreed not to sell it before Ade returned.However, when Ade returned to buy the pottery, he found that Chip had already sold it to someone else, who had paid €450 for it.Required:In the context of contract law, advise Ade whether he can take action against:
(b) Chip, for not selling the pottery to him.
川田さんは ( )人なので、毎日 よしゅうと ふくしゅうを しています。