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犯罪嫌疑人王强,男,1986年12月6日出生;刘波,男,1983年7月1日出生。二人均是中学毕业待业在家,无所事事,游手好闲,时常搭伴出去玩乐。2002年1月9日,王强与刘波一起去县城里的网吧,二人玩了一上午的游戏。中午因费用问题与网吧老板张某发生激烈争执,被张某等人打了几下,二人怀恨在心,伺机报复。当晚23时许,二人商量好后,带上事先准备好的汽油,趁人不备,将汽油洒在网吧的木质大门、窗户上,用打火机点燃。由于网吧出口已被大火封住,导致正在上网的人员中3人死亡、10人受伤的严重后果。市公安局立即组织侦查人员对案件进行立案侦查,经检察院批准对二犯罪嫌疑人执行了逮捕。在对二人进行讯问时,均未通知其父母等到场。刘林的父亲刘某请求会见刘波,并为其聘请律师,被侦查人员以侦查阶段无权委托辩护人为由予以拒绝。案件侦查终结后移送至市人民检察院审查起诉,市人民检察院于接到案件材料之日起的第5日告知王强和刘波有权委托辩护人。刘波委托其叔叔刘林担任其辩护人,王强表示不委托辩护人。刘林经检察院许可,会见了刘波,查阅了本案的所有诉讼材料;并对有关单位和个人进行了必要的调查取证工作。检察院经审查起诉认为犯罪事实清楚、证据确实充分,依法应当追究犯罪嫌疑人的刑事责任,遂向市中级人民法院提起公诉。在审理过程中,刘林经法院许可又查阅了本案所指控的犯罪事实的材料,会见了被告人刘波,会见时人民法院派员在场。王强仍然不愿委托辩护人,审判人员为其指定承担法律援助义务的律师刘敏担任辩护人,但王强拒绝辩护,法院遂准许其自行辩护。经审判,法院依法判决被告人刘波死刑,剥夺政治权利终身;被告人王强死刑,缓期两年执行。 问题:




下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(  A、B、  C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. Find a fiction book.
B. Learn how to read your card.
C. Find your non-fiction book.
D. Decide if you want to search by author, title or subject.
E. Learn to find the card you need.
F. Understand the Dewey Decimal System.
The card catalog was once found in every library. Most libraries have now replaced the card catalog with a computerized cataloging system. However, some libraries still have the set of drawers with thousands of cards inside, and some library patrons still prefer the hands-on approach to researching the information they need. Cards are set up alphabetically in long drawers. Different types of cards are kept separate from each other so you may search by author, title or subject. Learning to use the card catalog can help you find the book you want without waiting for a computer terminal.
Once you have found the card for the book you want, write down the numbers and letters at the top of the card and the title and author of the book. The numbers at the top are how the book is cataloged using the Dewey Decimal System, and the letters are the first three letters of the author's last name. Your library will have the numbers at the end of the stacks (the shelves of books), so find the stack your book is located in, then scan the shelves of that stack until you locate the number on the card. More than one book can have the same number, so you will narrow down your search if you have the first three letters of the author's name.
The cards in a card catalog reference other cards. An author card will also have a book title and subject, a title card will have the author and subject, and a subject card will have author and title. This is handy for cross-referencing, so if you want to read a book on beekeeping, you can look that up in the subject cards and find an individual card on each book the library carries on beekeeping.
If you want to look up a book by Stephen King, find the author cards in your library's card catalog, and look under "K". The cards are organized by last name and are broken down into the individual drawers. Sometimes a letter will take up more than one drawer, so you may find drawers that have "Ka-Ke" and then "Ki-Kr." Stephen King will be in the drawer with "Ki-Kr." You would find a card in a similar manner by title or by subject by finding the drawer with the corresponding letters such as "Be" for beekeeping in the subject cards or "Wr" for "The Writer's Market" ("The" is not considered part of titles).
This isn't required to use the card catalog, but it can make searching for your book a little easier. The numbers range from 000 to 999; 000-099 are general subjects, 100-199 are psychology and philosophy, 200-299 is religion, 300-399 is social science, 400-499 is language, 500-599 are natural science and math, 600-699 is applied sciences, 700-799 is art, 800-899 are literature and plays, and 900-999 are geography and history.
The author card will have a call number at the top, a line with the author's name with last name first, then lines for the title of the book, its publisher, a brief summary and subject listings. For an author with many books like Stephen King, there will be a card for each of his books in alphabetical order. Title cards are similar but have the title first, then the author in the following line. Subject cards have the subject in all capital letters at the very top of the card and the same information as on an author's card. Many cards on the same subject will be organized by the authors' last names.