问题 单项选择题

男性,52岁患者,因咳嗽、胸闷、气短1周收入院。查体:左锁骨上可触及一个花生米大小的淋巴结,质硬、固定、无压痛,气管向左侧移位,右肺叩诊呈浊音、语颤明显减弱、呼吸音肖失。胸液常规示蛋白含量35g/L,WBC 850×106/L,N 20%,L 80%,细胞学见大量淋巴细胞。LDH 800U/L,PPD(+)。最可能的诊断是










     Is there a nationwide shortage of nurses? It's hard to say. However, some characteristic symptoms

often indicate that there is indeed a shortage.

     One symptom is the vacancy rate, or the percentage of budgeted positions that are unfilled. New

England's hospitals currently report that an average of 7 to 12 percent of their registered nurse positions

are vacant, the highest level since the last shortage in the late 1980s. Vermont has a relatively low

vacancy rate, at 7.8 percent. But its vacancies were at 1.2 percent just five years ago.

     Another symptom is the increased use of stopgap measures to fill empty positions. For instance, many

nurses report an upswing in how frequently they are asked to stay past their shifts. According to Murphy, working in the St. Elizabeth's Hospital, "The shortage has definitely created a lot of opportunities of

overtime for our nurses, whether they want them or not." Similarly, a national survey of registered nurses

shows that in an average week, nurses in the U.S. work 2.4 more hours than they are scheduled to.

Much of this extra time is voluntary, as nurses earn overtime pay when they stay to fill in blanks in the


     When they can't fill open positions by more traditional means, health care providers hire temporary

staff to tide them over. Travelling workers are the largest part of the temporary health care workforce,

hired for thirteen-week reduction at health care facilities facing short-term lack of workers. Temporary

workers, mainly nurses, cost hospitals $ 7.2 billion in 2000.

     "Any successful solution to the shortage depends on convincing more people to become nurses, and

that is not an easy goal to reach. To achieve it," says Buerhaus, "society needs to place more value on

nursing. Legislation (法规) can't do that - it should come from people." And if this continues, we might

have to learn to care for ourselves in the hospital.

1.The temporary staff hired by a hospital _______.

A. cost a large part of the hospital's budget

B. meet the need for nurses in the hospital for a short time

C. should work on a weekly basis and on a scheduled timetable  

D. ought to work passively for thirty continuous weeks

2. According to Buerhaus, what is a successful solution to the nurse shortage?  

A. To convince people of the benefits of being a nurse.

B. To ask the government for help to work out specific legislation.

C. To publicize the past achievements of nurses.

D. To make people aware of the importance of being a nurse.

3. What's the probable meaning of the underlined word "upswing" in Paragraph 3?

A. Symptom    

B. Decrease        

C. Increase      

D. Figure

4. What's the author's attitude towards nurse shortage?

A. Worried    

B. Indifferent        

C. Doubtful          

D. Optimistic
