问题 问答题

某市甲、乙、丙三家国有企业经市政府有关部门批准,共同出资组建某有限责任公司。组建的有限责任公司以生产经营业务为主。甲企业用货币出资;乙企业用厂房、设备等实物出资;丙企业以其商标权和专利权出资。三方约定公司董事会由7人组成。 要求:根据上述事实及《公司法》规定,回答下列问题: (1) 该公司注册资本的最低限额是多少 (2) 各发起人的出资应如何确认 (3) 各发起人的出资缴纳程序如何进行 (4) 公司董事会应由哪些方面的人士组成



解析:(1) 该公司系以生产经营为主的公司,其注册资本的最低限额为50万元人民币。 (2) 股东以非货币出资的,其出资金额必须经过评估确认,乙企业和丙企业的出资应以其提供的实物经评估确认的金额认定。以工业产权、非专利技术作出资的金额不得超过公司注册资本的20%,国家对采用高新技术成果出资另有规定的除外,故丙企业的出资比例不得超过公司注册资本的20%。 (3) 各发起人出资缴纳程序如下:以货币出资的,应当将货币足额存入准备设立的公司的账户;以实物、工业产权作价出资的,应当依法办理财产权的转移手续。股东全部缴纳出资后,必须经过法定的验资机构验资、并出具验资证明。 (4) 根据规定,由两个以上国有企业投资设立的有限责任公司,董事会成员中应当有公司职工代表,职工代表由公司职工民主选举产生。因此,该有限责任公司的董事会除有甲、乙、丙企业的代表外,还应有公司职工代表,共同组成公司董事会。

     When you are having class in the early morning, it is not unusual to notice your classmate sitting beside
you yawning. He    1   that he didn't have a sound sleep the night before. Many    2   don't get adequate
sleep because they are burdened with too much homework, which keeps them up at night doing countless exercise. Some teens cannot   3   at night even when they want to so much.
     Researches show that during your teenage years, the body's biological clock is ___4_  ,telling you to
sleep later at night and wake up    5   in the morning. But   6   in the body clock aren't the only reason
teens lose sleep. Lots of people have insomnia(失眠). The most common cause of insomnia is   7   . But
all sorts of things can lead to insomnia, including    8   discomfort, emotional troubles and even sleeping
environment. It's common for everyone to have insomnia occasionally. But if it    9   for a month or more,
go and consult a doctor.
     Most teens have    10   sometimes, which may make you sweat. But, if they are too frequent, a
person's sleep pattern can be seriously    11   . The most common cause of them is emotional   12   ,
such as fear, stress or anxiety. If you have them a lot, you're also supposed to talk to a    13   .
     Medical specialists encourage teens to make lifestyle changes to help them develop good sleeping 
  14   .  Most probably you know that a cup of coffee can keep you 
       15   at night, but did you know that playing video games or watching TV does the same?
( )1. A. yells      
( )2. A. adults    
( )3. A. study      
( )4. A. broken    
( )5. A. sooner    
( )6. A. changes    
( )7. A. happiness  
( )8. A. mental    
( )9. A. helps      
( )10. A. nightmares
( )11. A. improved  
( )12. A. issue    
( )13. A. doctor    
( )14. A. idea      
( )15. A. asleep    
B. proves    
B. teens      
B. work      
B. reset      
B. earlier    
B. moves      
B. joy        
B. physical  
B. reports    
B. dreams    
B. destroyed  
B. affair    
B. desk-mate  
B. habits    
B. alive      
C. claims    
C. parents    
C. sleep      
C. repaired  
C. quicker    
C. patterns  
C. stress    
C. biological
C. stops      
C. stress    
C. advanced  
C. problems  
C. teacher    
C. time      
C. awake      
D. complains    
D. teachers      
D. communicate  
D. damaged      
D. later        
D. model        
D. homework      
D. medical      
D. lasts        
D. change        
D. affected      
D. things        
D. friend       
D. environment  
D. annoyed