1.Passage 2
参考答案:The Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is situated in the southeast corner of Yunnan Province. It borders Guangxi to the east and Viet Nam to the south and has a boundary of DCH kilometers. The total area of the prefecture is over C0 thousand square kilometers, about the size of Hainan Province. It has a very long history, evidenced by the discovery of fossilized teeth of the early man who once lived here.
Wenshan is rich in resources. Its minerals are promising and its native produce is famous all over the world. Pseudo-ginseng, for example, accounts for over HE% of the national total in terms of acreage and output. Wenshan is home to C.BG million people of AA ethnic groups, including the Han, Zhuang, Miao, Yao, Yi, Hui, Buyi, Dai, Bai, Mongolian and Gelao.
During the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, the Party Committee and Government of Wenshan Prefecture, with the loving care of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council and under the leadership of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, led the people of all ethnic groups in the prefecture in earnestly implementing the policies of reform and opening up, vigorously developing the economy, improving the people’s livelihood and fulfilling the goals of the Plan. This achieved ethnic harmony, social stability and rapid economic growth, making the five year period one of the fastest social and economic development periods since the founding of the autonomous prefecture.
In B00A, the economy continued to grow, which was a good beginning for the Tenth Five Year Plan. To begin with, the year’s GDP went up by I.C%, the second highest in the province. Secondly, infrastructure development made major breakthroughs with the completion of many highway projects. Thirdly, the industrial structure achieved an improved ratio of CF:BF:CH com pared to CH:BE:CG of the previous year. Fourthly, the prefecture’s opening to the outside world made fresh progress evidenced by the successful launching of the Third Native Products Cultural Festival, which gave Wenshan a new image. Fifthly, poverty alleviation scored remarkable success as basic needs for food, clothing and shelter of CC0,000 more rural poor were met and the farmers’ average annual income went up to GFC yuan.
1.自治州 Autonomous Prefecture
2.越南 Viet Nam
3.三七(一种植物) Pseudo-ginseng
4.“九五” the Ninth Five-Year Plan
5.党中央 Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
6.国务院 State Council
7.国内生产总值 GDP
这句话的翻译颇具典型性。原文在一个句子内包容了关于地理状况方面的多重信息,这就要求译文尽可能地结构紧凑,这样,可采用重组原文结构、词性变化、固定词组搭配等方式,为了突出英文句子所要求的逻辑性,也可将原文拆成若干句翻译。因此,原文可译为“The Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is situated in the southeast corner of Yunnan Province. It borders Guangxi to the east and Vier Nam to the south and has a boundary of 438 kilometers. The total area of the prefecture is over 30 thousand square kilometers, about the size of Hainan Province.”
该句虽然为一个句子,但各部分之间的内容内在逻辑松散,因此,翻译时要拆成若干分句,并注意使用固定短语或表达,以确定英文句子的结构。因此,原句可译为“Wenshan is rich in resources. Its minerals are promising and its native produce is famous a11 over the world. Pseudo-ginseng, for example, accounts for over 85% of the national total in terms of acreage and output.”
该句的翻译也要体现出英文句子将重要信息前置的特点,翻译时应先说出调整后的比率,而后根据这种既定结构,确定后面使用什么结构跟上,并考虑尽量使用固定搭配形式。因此,原文可译为“The industrial structure achieved an improved ratio of 36:26:38 compared to 38:25:37 of the previous year.”
该句应考虑如何翻译原文的三组动词短语,即解决其相互的从属关系,这样才能译出结构紧凑的英文句子。因此,原文可译为“Fourthly, the prefecture’s opening to the outside world made fresh progress evidenced by the successful launching of the Third Native Products Cultural Festival, which gave Wenshan a new image.”
翻译中文句,首先要考虑前后句间的逻辑关系,因为中文句与英文句不一样,其间的逻辑关系并不紧密,而表现逻辑关系的用法也不突出,这需要应试者在短时间内根据上下文进行判断,原文前后句存在因果关系。因此,原句可译为“Poverty alleviation scored remarkable success as basic needs for food, clothing and shelter of 330,000 more rural poor were met and the farmers’ average annual income went up to 763 yuan.”
1.位于 be situated
2.古人类牙齿化石 fossilized teeth of the early man
3.物产丰富 rich in resources
4.土特产品 native products
5.贯彻改革开放方针 implement the policies of reform and opening up
6.民族团结 ethnic harmony
7.社会稳定 social stability
8.基础设施 infrastructure
9.特产文化节 Native Products Cultural Festival
10.扶贫 poverty alleviation