问题 单项选择题

Selection to participate in a top executive-education program is an important rung on the ladder to top corporate jobs. U. S. corporations (1) billions of dollars in this form of management development -- and use it to (2) and train fast-track managers. Yet one (3) of executive education found that less than 5% of the managers (4) to these high-profile programs are women -- and minorities are terribly (5) as well.

The numbers are (6) . In regular business (7) usually paid for by the participant, not an employer -- there are plenty of women and minorities. Women, for example, (8) for about 30% of MBA candidates. Yet in the (9) programs paid for by corporations that round out a manager’s credentials at a (10) career point, usually at age 40 or 45, companies are making only a (11) investment in developing female and minority executives. A case (12) point: Only about 30% of the 180 executives in Stanford’s recent (13) management program were women.

Most companies say these days they are (14) hiring and promoting women and minorities-- and there are some (15) trends in overall employment and pay levels so why are companies (16) the ball when it (17) executive education The schools (18) that they are neither the cause of nor the cure for the problem. A Harvard Business School dean figures that companies are (19) of sending their female executives (20) they don’t want to lose them to competitors.









上下文理解与词汇搭配题。这句话的意思是“例如,妇女人数约占M B A考生中的30%”。4个选项的意思分别是:occupy“占,拥有”,是及物动词,意思同account for。possess“拥有,占有”;account“(指数量等)占”,和for搭配;take for“认为,以为”。句子后半部因出现了数字,只有account for符合句意。



材料一:魏主曰:“国家兴自北土,徙居平城,虽富有四海,文轨未一。此间用开之地,非可文治,移风易俗,信为甚难。崤函帝宅,河洛王里,因兹大举,光宅中原。”   ——《魏书》

材料二:北魏时一位皇帝决心把都城迁到洛阳,但迁都的决定遭到许多鲜卑贵族的反对。于是,公元493年,这位皇帝以南征为名,亲率二十万大军南下。一路上秋雨连绵,道路泥泞,长途跋涉的鲜卑贵族和官兵们疲惫不堪,到洛阳后不愿意继续前进了,于是这位皇帝趁机说,行军中途,怎么可以无功而返?如果不愿意继续南征,可以先定 在此,以后再做南征的打算!于是宣布定都洛阳,次年正式迁都。

材料三:南朝官员陈庆之出使北魏,目睹了洛阳经济、文化兴盛的景象后,感慨地说“以前以为长 江以北都是落后的‘异族’风气,现在才知道中原地区礼仪兴盛,人才济济,难以言传。”








(4)材料三说 明了什么?

