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Passage 2 我代表中国政府再次确认,中国政府坚定支持北京申请举办2008年国际奥运会的立场。中国政府尊重并赞赏国际奥运会评估团所作的评估报告,我们据此已制定了在北京举办一次出色奥运会的规划。中国政府将信守在北京陈述报告中所作的所有承诺,并将尽一切努力帮助北京实现其承诺。中国拥护奥林匹克精神,是奥委会各项号召和活动的重要支持者。// 在过去的半个世纪里,由于开展了全民健身运动及其它方面的因素,我国人民的健康水平有了很大提高,人民的平均预期寿命已从35岁增加到70岁,我们的运动员在国际奥委会举办的重大比赛中都有出色的表现。为了传播奥林匹克精神,中国同时也帮助其他发展中国家完善其体育设施。例如我们已经帮助他们建设了36座体育场馆,我们今后还将继续这样做。// 女士们,先生们,我希望借此机会向你们保证,如果此次奥运会产生盈余,我们将用它来建立一个奥林匹克友谊合作基金,用于帮助发展中国家的体育事业。如果发生赤字,中国政府将自己承担。在过去20年改革开放的过程中,中国已经成为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。我们将继续保持政治稳定,社会进步和经济繁荣。//



解析:On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to reaffirm that our Government stands firmly behind Beijing in its bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. The Chinese Government respects and appreciates the conclusion reached by the International Olympics Committee Evaluation Commission. We have worked out a plan accordingly to ensure to excellent Games in Beijing. The Chinese Government will honor each and every commitment it has made in Beijing’s Candidature File and will do whatever it can to assist Beijing to fulfill its promises. China embraces the Olympic spirit and has always been a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives.// Over the past five decades, thanks to, among other things, the nation-wide "fitness-for-all" sports campaign, our people’s health has been greatly improved, and the average life expectancy has increased from 35 years to 70. Our athletes have been doing quite well in the sports events organized by the IOC. To further promote the Olympic spirit, China has also helped other developing countries with their sports facilities. For instance, we have helped them build 36 stadiums. And we will continue to do so in the future. // Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to take this opportunity to pledge to you that if there is a surplus in the Games revenue, we will use it to set up an Olympic Friendship and Co-operation Fund for financing sports undertakings in developing countries. If there is a deficit, the difference will be covered by the Chinese Government. China has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world over the past 20 years since its reform and opening-up. We will continue to ensure political stability, social progress and economic prosperity. //
