问题 不定项选择

某一载货轮船,在航行途中遇特大风浪,不幸触礁,船身被撞穿一个大洞,随即海水大量涌入,不仅使货物遭到严重的水渍,而且船舶由于大量进水,随时有沉船的危险。为了船、货的共同安全,船长急令轮船驶向附近的浅滩,同时命令将部分货物抛到海里。船舶在浅滩搁浅后,滞留多日,被一过路货轮发现,拖到附近港口检修。经过检查与核对,在这次事故中,该船遭受了如下损失:(1)因触礁,船舶被撞穿一个大洞;(2)因船舶进水,有50包大米被抛到海里;另有50包大米只有水渍损失,经晒干后,可作为次米出售;另外尚有:50包茶叶被海水浸泡已不能饮用; (3)除了以上货物,该船上还有一台精密仪器,但因船舶触礁,船身剧烈震动致使该台仪器受到损坏,经专家检验,认为如要修复所需花费将超过该仪器的现有价值;(4)因搁浅而造成的损失。上述损失中,属于单独海损的是:()









People can get emotional about immigration. Bill O’Reilly, a talk-show host, devoted a recent segment to the story of an illegal alien who got drunk and accidentally killed two attractive white girls with his car. If only he had been deported for previous misdemeanours, Mr. O’Reilly raged, those girls would still be alive. Another talk-show host, Geraldo Rivera, during an on-air shout-joust(争吵) with Mr. O’ Reilly, denounced his demagogic choice of story-angle as" a sin".

President George Bush tried again this week to bring a more rational tone to the debate. He urged the new Democratic Congress to revive the immigration reforms that the old Republican Congress killed last year. His proposal was broadly the same as before. He said he wanted to make it harder to enter America illegally, but easier to do so legally, and to offer a path to citizenship for the estimated 12m illegals who have already snuck in.

The first part faces few political hurdles and is already well under way. Mr. Bush expects to have doubled the number of Border Patrol agents by the end of next year. The new recruits are being trained. And to defend against the invading legions of would-be gardeners and hotel cleaners, the frontier is also equipped with high-tech military gizmos(小发明), such as unmanned spy planes with infra-red(红外) cameras. This may be having some effect. Mr. Bush boasted that the number of people caught sneaking over the border had fallen by nearly 30% this year.

And the controversial part of Mr. Bush’s immigration package--allowing more immigrants in and offering those already in America a chance to become legal -- is still just a plan. House Republicans squashed it last year. Mr. Bush senses a second chance with the new Democratic Congress, but Democrats, like Republicans, are split on the issue. Some, notably Ted Kennedy, think America should embrace hard- working migrants. Others fret that hard-working migrants will undercut the wages of the native-born.

Mr. Bush would like to see the pro-immigrant wings of both parties work together to give him a bill he can sign. The Senate is expected to squeeze in a debate next month. The administration is trying to entice law-and-order Republicans on board; a recent leaked memo talked of substantial fines for illegals before they can become legal and" much bigger" fines for employers who hire them before they do.

The biggest hurdle, however, may be the Democrats’ reluctance to co-operate with Mr. Bush. Some figure that, rather than letting their hated adversary share the credit for fixing the immigration system, they should stall until a Democrat is in the White House and then take it all. So there is a selfish as well as a moral argument for making a deal.

Some Democrats oppose to Ted Kennedy, because they believe that ()

A. America should encourage the coming of hard-working migrants

B. hard-working migrants will make the natives enjoy less salary

C. diligent migrants will snatch more jobs from natives

D. migrants will undercut the working conditions of the native-born
