问题 问答题

1. 某男,32岁,自幼右耳间断流脓伴听力减退。半个月前渐起右耳疼痛、流脓增多,伴同侧剧烈头痛、发热,在某医院诊断为慢性化脓性中耳炎急性发作,予氯霉素甘油滴耳液及静脉使用大剂量青霉素、甲硝唑治疗,疼痛逐渐减轻但未消失。入院检查:T 37.8℃,P 84次/分,R 16次/分,Bp 120/80 mmHg。精神萎靡,表情淡漠,略呈痛苦状。颈无抵抗,生理反射存在,未引出病理性反射。右侧外耳道积脓,后上壁深部塌陷,骨部皮肤充血,鼓膜松弛部未见,紧张部穿孔,可见白色豆渣样物和脓液搏动,脓液清除后见鼓室黏膜充血、水肿。急诊行头颅CT检查提示右侧颞叶小面积轻度水肿性改变,未见局灶性低密度阴影。白细胞计数12.5×109/L,中性86%。纯音测听示右耳混合性听力损失,左耳听力正常。试问:

(3) 如何治疗?


参考答案:治疗原则:① 控制感染:参考细菌学检查结果选用适当的抗生素;细菌学结果明确以前,可根据常见致病菌选择1~2种广谱抗生素。提倡足量、联用并注意选用血脑屏障通透性较好的药物。② 通畅引流:在大剂量抗生素应用的同时,尽早施行乳突手术,清除病灶,通畅引流;一旦影像学检查提示脑脓肿形成,应及时引流或切除。③ 加强支持疗法,注意水与电解质平衡。④ 对症处理:包括全身中毒症状的处理、颅内高压及脑疝的预防和治疗等。


New research has revealed that which song drivers listen to can influence how safe they are on the roads.Among the top ten safest songs to drive to are Come Away With Me by Norah Jones,I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith and Tiny Dancer by Elton John.Each of the songs has an optimum tempo(最佳节奏) for safe driving,imitating the human heartbeat at around 60 to 80 beats per minute.The Scientist by Coldplay and Justin Timberlake's Cry Me a River also appeared in the top 10.

The study,conducted at London Metropolitan University,also revealed the type of songs that cause motorists to drive dangerously.Unsurprisingly,music that is noisy increases a driver's heart rate,which can be deadly.Fast beats cause excitement that can lead people to concentrate more on the music than on the road and to speed up to match the beat of the song.Styles of music were also measured during the experiment and revealed differences between male and female drivers.Hip­hop made a female driver drive far more aggressively,speeding up faster than male driver.The heavy metal music caused the fastest driving among males in the group while the dance music had the same effect among women.The male and female drivers who listened to the classical music drove the most irregularly.

The experiment involved eight people driving 500 miles each using the confused.com MotorMate app,which monitored driving behaviors through GPS technology.

小题1:What's the main idea of the whole passage?

A.Songs that drivers prefer to listen to on their way.

B.A study made by the confused.com MotorMate app.

C.What kind of songs the drivers should choose to listen to during driving.

D.Female drivers and male drives have different responses to the same music.小题2:The underlined word “monitored” in the last paragraph means________.




D.showed小题3:.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Tiny Dancer by Elton John appeared in the top 10.

B.Usually human hearts beat at around 60 to 80 beats per minute.

C.The classical music makes most drivers drive comfortably and safely.

D.The passage reveals appropriate music and improper music for drivers.小题4:If there is another paragraph in the end of the passage,the author may mention________.

A.female and male drivers' popular tastes of music

B.how did the study carry out

C.why fast beat music is harmful to drivers

D.some music with optimum tempo for driver to enjoy