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红星制鞋厂在1998年对某市六种鞋类的消费量调查中发现,农民人均鞋类年消费量除旧式棉鞋高于城镇居民、布鞋与城镇居民持平外,其他鞋类消费量均低于城镇居民。例如,农民每百人年均消费皮鞋17.6双,比城镇居民低83%;旅游鞋25.3双,比城镇居民低53%,雨鞋7.5双,比城镇居民低 66%;拖鞋30.2双,比城镇居民低80%。

下列四种鞋中,哪种鞋类是农民人均年消费量与城镇居民人均年消费量相差最大的( )。







解析: 据题意可依次计算出城镇居民鞋类的年消费量分别为皮鞋104双,拖鞋151双,旅游鞋54双,雨鞋22双;并由此算出城乡居民鞋类年销售量相差最大的是拖鞋。


Social-networking sites offer users easy ways to present idealized images of themselves, even if those ideals don’t always square with their real-world personalities. Psychology researcher Soraya Mehdizadeh has discovered a way to poke through the offline-online curtain: she has used Faeebook to predict a person’s level of narcissism and self-esteem.

Mehdizadeh, who conducted the study as an undergraduate at Toronto’s York University, gained access to the Faeebook accounts of 100 college students and measured activities like photo sharing, wall postings and status updates; she also studied how frequently users logged on and how often they remained online during each session. Her findings were published recently in Cyberpsyehology, Behavior and Social Networking.

After measuring each subject using the Narcissism Personality Inventory and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Mehdizadeh, who graduated from York this past spring, discovered narcissists and people with lower self-esteem were more likely to spend more than an hour a day on Facebook and were more prone to post self-promo-tional photos ( striking a pose or using Photoshop, for example). Narcissists were also more likely to showcase themselves through status updates (using phrases like "I’m so glamorous I bleed glitter") and wall activity (posting self-serving links like " My Celebrity Look-alikes" ).

Self-esteem and narcissism are often interrelated but don’t always go hand in hand. Some psychologists believe that narcissists--those who have a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, as well as a lack of sympathy--unconsciously inflate their sense of self-importance as a defense against feeling inadequate. Not enough empirical research has been produced to confirm that link, although Mehdizadeh’s study seems to support it. Because narcissists have less capacity to sustain intimate or long-term relationships, Mehdizadeh thinks that they would be more drawn to the online world of virtual friends and emotionally detached communication.

Although it seems that Facebook can be used by narcissists to fuel their inflated egos, Mehdizadeh stops short of proclaiming that excessive time spent on Faeebook can turn regular users into narcissists. She also notes that social-networking sites might ultimately be found to have positive effects when used by people with low self-esteem or depression. "If individuals with lower self-esteem are more prone to using Facebook," she says, "the question becomes, ’ Can Facebook help raise self- esteem by allowing patients to talk to each other and help each other in a socially interactive environment’ I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing that people with low self-esteem use Facebook.

Mehdizadeh may think that()

A.Facebook will make people abnormal

B. people with low self-esteem could increase their confidence by Facebook

C. Facebook is socially interactive environment

D. narcissists with lower self-esteem don’t like to communicate mood