问题 写作题


        请根据下面的汉语提示,写一篇英语短文,词数不少于60 词。今天是星期天,格林夫妇带着儿子吉姆到House of Noodles 去吃午饭。格林先生要了一大碗牛肉面,格林夫人要了一中碗鸡肉胡萝卜面,吉姆要了一小碗西红柿鸡蛋面,他们还喝了三杯绿茶,一共花了20 美元,他们过得很愉快。



       Today  is Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Green don’t go to work. Now it's 12 o'clock.  They take their son, 

  Jim, to the House of Noodles for lunch. There Mr. Green has a large bowl of beef noodles. Mrs. Green 

 has a medium bowl of chicken and carrot noodles. And Jim has a small bowl of tomato and egg noodls.     They  also have three glasses of green tea. The noodles and the tea are 20 dollars in all. They have a good 



单项选择题 A1/A2型题