问题 综合题


材料一  魏孝文帝的文化习俗改革是从婚俗改革开始的,……拓跋贵族与汉族高门建立了广泛的姻亲关系。……太和二十年改鲜卑复姓,在把宗族十姓改为汉姓的同时,还特别规定十姓百世不通婚。


材料二  宗教改革前,婚姻审判权掌握在天主教会手里。……欧洲盛行僧侣教士的独身制度……推行禁欲主义成为罗马教会公开标榜的政府目标,提倡不婚单身,并且规定不允许离婚。当时,有40%的妇女过单身生活。……马丁·路德发起了修女还俗、教士结婚运动,提出制定新的婚姻法规,用政府控制的世俗法庭或由政府授权的教会法庭审核批准结婚。          






马丁•路德:允许宗教人员结婚,制定婚姻法规,婚姻裁判权由世俗 * * 掌握。(6分)






      "What's the matter, Bob?" asked his mother. "Why do you look so sad?"

"I don't have anyone to play with," said Bob. "I wish we had stayed in Salt

Lake City. I had friends there."

      "You will soon make friends here,"  said his mother." Wait and see!"

       Just then there was a tap on the door. Mrs Miller opened it.

       There stood a woman with red hair. " Hello," she said. "I'm Mrs Carey.

I live next door."

       " Come in," said Mrs Miller. " Bob and I are so glad you come."

       "I come to ask for two eggs," said Mrs Carey. "I want to bake a cake."

       "You may have the eggs," said Mrs Miller. " But do sit down. Let's have

coffee and talk a little."

       That aftermoon there was another tap on the door. Mrs Miller opened it.

There stood a boy with red hair. "My name is Tom Carey," he said.

       "My mother sends you this cake and these two eggs."

       "Oh, thank you, Tom," said Mrs Miller. " Come in and meet my son Bob."

       Tom and Bob were about the same age. Soon they were having cake and milk.

"Can you stay and play with me?" asked Bob. "Yes, I can stay an hour,"  said Tom.

"Then let's play a ball,"  said Bob. " My dog will want to get in the game,  too."Tom

found it was fun to play with Trix. He had no dog of his own.

      "I'm glad you live next door," said Bob." Now I have someone to play with." 

      "Mother said we would soon be good friends," answered Tom. "I'm glad

your mother needed two eggs." said Bob.

      Tom laughed, " She didn't really need the eggs," he said. "She just wanted to make

friends with your mother!" Then Bob laughed, too." That's a funny way to make friends,"

he said. " But it's a nice way. It worked!"

1. Why did Mrs Carey come to Mrs Miller? [ ]

A. To borrow two eggs.

B. To send a cake.

C. To play with Trix.

D. To make friends with Mrs Miller.

2. Mrs Miller was _____ at Mrs Carey's visit. [ ]

A. glad 

B. surprised

C. unhappy

D. worried

3. Trix was the name of _____. [ ]

A. Tom's toy

B. Bob's dog

C. Mrs Miller's daughter

D. Mrs Miller's son

4. This story is about one way _____.[ ]

A. to borrow things from the neighbour

B. to play with little dogs

C. to bake cakes

D. to make friends

5. The underlined word "tap" in Paragraph 3 means _____.[ ]

A. a light knock

B. a noise

C. a voice

D. a push
