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材料一 下文摘自哥伦布《航海日志》:两位陛下(指西班牙国王和王后)决定派我——克里斯托夫 ·哥伦布前往印度,以熟悉他的国土、人民和君主,了解他们的风俗习惯并带回如何能使他们皈依我们神圣宗教的经验,但不走通常的东行陆路,而走向西的海路。这条路据我们所知迄今尚无人走过。                        ——《中世纪晚期的西欧》

材料二 我在1492年发现印度大陆以及大批岛屿……由此之后,我回到卡斯提尔,觐见王上。而王上依据我的陈述,命令我第二次航行以求新的发现,并在我所发现的土地上建立殖民地。主宰赐福,我在那绵延六百英里长的小西班牙岛(指海第岛)上得到成功,我征服该岛并使它的居民纳贡。                               ——《哥伦布的遗言》

材料三 陛下可以统治此间……人们可以在这里获得黄金……但我以为陛下最好不采用掳掠的方式去取得黄金。如若采用公平交易的方式,则诽谤和污蔑便可避免。如此,所有的黄金便会万无一失地源源不断进入陛下的财库中。 ——《哥伦布致西班牙国王和王后书》1503年






     Unlike Britain, the US does not have a national health care service. Most people buy medical

insurance to help pay for medical care. The government  only helps pay for some medical care for

the old and the people who are on low incomes. The problems of those who cannot afford insurance

have become an important political subject.

     In Britain, when people are ill, they usually go to a family doctor first. However, people in

America sometimes go straight to an expert. Children are usually taken to a doctor who is an expert

in the treatment of children. In Britain, if a patient needs to see a specialist doctor, their family doctor

will usually recommend a specialist,  which will save more time and money both for the patients  and

the public fund (基金).

     In Britain, doctors  do not go to people's homes when they are ill. People always make

appointments to see the doctor in the doctor's office. In a serious situation, people call for an

ambulance. In America, hospitals must treat all seriously ill patients, even if they do not have medical

insurance. The government will then help pay for some of the cost of the medical care.

1. The majority of Americans pay for medical care ________.

A. through the national health care service

B. by buying medical insurance

C. with the help of the government

D. by increasing their income

2. The author implies in Paragraph 2 that ________.

A. Americans don't trust family doctors

B. family doctors are helpless to the patients

C. he is more in favor of the British medical care service

D. sick children should go to family doctors first

3. In the States, seriously ill patients will ________.

A. be treated if they have an insurance

B. go to see the doctor by making an appointment

C. receive treatment even without insurance

D. normally go to see an expert for treatment

4. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Health Care in the United States and Britain

B. Types of Doctors in the United States

C. Treatment of Sick Children in the United States

D. Medical Insurance in the United States and Britain