问题 名词解释




魏晋南北朝时期的坞壁也称坞堡或壁垒。多择既有山林险阻,又可进行农耕的宜守宜农之地设置。坞壁主要盛行于北方地区。十六国和北魏的统治者,往往按坞主的实力大小,分别给予官职,大小坞壁又成为各级地方 * * 机构的治所。北魏前期,推行宗主督护制,更全面地承认了宗主们及其控制下的大小坞壁的合法地住。魏孝文帝推行三长制,三长代替了宗主;邻、里、党等地方基层组织也取代了大、小坞壁组织。


根据短文内容,判断句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示 。

     Is an earthquake dangerous? Yes. of course. But this doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. If you

know what to do in an earthquake, you can be safe.

     Keep a cool head. Worry may cause bad decisions. Don't follow others blindly. Think about what you

should do. The first several minutes are important.

     If you are indoors during an earthquake, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a desk

or table. Take care of your head. Stay away from windows and things that may fall and hurt you.

     If you are in a crowded room and far away from the door, don't rush to it. You will Find too many people

trying to escape at the same time. Instead, stay under a desk or table. Don't use an elevator. You may not get

out of it.

     Stay in a safe place until you are sure it's OK to leave. Some aftershocks (余震) may follow an earthquake.

These are as dangerous as the earthquake.

     If you are in debris (废墟), try to free your hands and legs. You may make noises by hitting stones.

Shouting will make you tired. Try to find some water and food. They are important for you if you aren't found

in a short time. Wait patiently for help.

( )1. Don't stay near the windows if you are indoors during an earthquake.

( )2. You may not get out if you use an elevator during an earthquake.

( )3. Rush to the door together if you are in a crowded room in an earthquake.

( )4. Keep staying in a safe place until you are sure it's OK to leave after an earthquake.

( )5. You should keep shouting until others hear you if you are in debris.
