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In Idaho’s Snake River Valley, where potato farmers depend on electric pumps to water their crops, the state’s largest power company hopes to stand tradition on its head and profit by selling farmers less, not more, electricity. To do that, Idaho Power is vastly expanding its energy-efficiency programs for 395,000 residential customers, small businesses, and farmers. Usually the more customers save, the less utilities make. But under an innovative deal with state regulators in March, Idaho Power gets paid for its plants and equipment and boosts profits by winning incentive payments for reducing electric demand.
It’s an idea that appears to be catching on as legislatures fret about global warming and utilities scramble to meet rising demand without the increasing harassment and cost of building new power plants. Idaho is among 13 states whose regulators have either adopted or proposed measures in the past year to decouple utility profit from electricity production. Decoupling is advancing even faster for natural-gas utilities, with 25 states either adopting or proposing decoupling plans in recent years. "This wave toward ’decoupling’ is clearly gathering momentum," says Martin Kushler of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy in Washington. "More states seem to be calling every week to find out about this."
Although California pioneered the idea 25 years ago—and strengthened incentives and penalties last month—interest is picking up again because of global warming, experts say. The main idea is that by rearranging the incentive structure, regulators can give utilities clear incentives to push energy efficiency and conservation without hurting their bottom lines. Under the new rules in California, for example, electric utilities could make as much as $150 million extra if they can persuade Californians to save some $2 billion worth of power, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
"This is a vital step in the global-warming fight," says Audrey Chang, an NRDC researcher. "It represents, we hope, a historic shift toward decoupling that is going to help bend the energy demand curve downwards." Beside Idaho, states that this year adopted decoupling for some or all of its electric power industry include New York, Connecticut, and Vermont. At least nine other states have seen major decoupling proposals this year.
Idaho Power is happy that its key fixed costs—plants and equipment—are now separated from variable costs of electricity sales such as fuel. Regulators annually readjust those fixed rates—up or down—a maximum of 3 percent to ensure that the company gets no more or less than it has been regulated to receive. But customers should benefit, too, as utility efficiency programs cut energy use and energy bills—something the company is trying hard to do so it can win a bonus if it meets or exceeds energy—cutting goals. "Before there was almost a disincentive to go hard at efficiency because we weren’t recovering our fixed costs," says Mike Youngblood, an analyst for Idaho Power. "Now the anticipation is that we will recover our fixed cost, no more or less. And our customers will see their bill go down if they invest in energy efficiency."
One key reason utilities are often willing to decouple or even leading proponents of the proposals is because the costs of building a power plant has risen dramatically. A 500- megawatt coal-fired plant that cost $1 billion just a few years ago might cost $1.5 billion today, industry experts say. Add to that growing uncertainty about future costs. Global- warming legislation could put a price of $ 30 per ton on carbon-dioxide emissions from power plants. That could make coal, the cheapest power today, more costly. Another factor is the rising community opposition to coal-fired power plant construction.
In North Carolina, where regulators recently refused a Duke Energy Corp. proposal to build a power plant, the company has instead put forward a controversial decoupling proposal. The plan would pay the company to meet efficiency standards, although consumer advocates and even environmental groups question whether it’s a good deal for ratepayers. In fact, some consumer advocates have major reservations about decoupling overall. "Unfortunately, we’re seeing utilities trying to use decoupling as a blank check," says Charles Acquard, executive director of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates in Silver Spring, Md. "We’re not absolutely opposed to decoupling. It’s how you do it that’s critical.\

Which of the following gives the best definition of the expression "to stand tradition on its head" (para. 1)

A.To criticize tradition.

B.To go against tradition.

C.To carry forward tradition.

D.To integrate tradition.


1.2004年7月17日,中央电视台《焦点访谈》档目报道说,专家们通过研究发现,在青少年常犯案件中,强 * * 案位居第三,仅次于偷窃和抢劫。与其它案件不同,观看黄色淫秽的内容是导致孩子性犯罪的一个重要诱因。报道说,目前中国建立的网站多达60多万个,网民8000多万,其中未成年的网民1500多万。网络上不仅充斥着各式各样的情色电影,五花八门的淫秽小说,还可以找到大量充满黄色意味的短笑话,有的网站甚至还可以提供黄色光碟。除了淫秽色情网站,有的网站还利用视频聊天室组织淫秽色情表演,有的提供境外淫秽色情网站链接。据调查,光是中国境内的淫秽色情网站就约有600~700个。2.2004年7月17下午,在收看了全国打击淫秽色情网站专项行动电视电话会议之后,山西省立即召开会议对此项工作进行了安排部署,省委副书记侯伍杰提出四点要求:一、要充分认识这次专项行动的重要意义,把思想统一到中央的决策上来。它联系着千家万户,影响子孙后代,必须抓紧抓好。二、明确工作任务,狠抓大要案件的查处,建立长效机制,把网站办成传播先进文化的新阵地。三、强化部门职责。针对互联网络的特殊性,全省政法、新闻出版、教育、金融、信息等部门要各负其责,协调配合,打一场净化网站的人民战争。四、加强督促检查,实行综合治理,切实把打击色情网站的各项措施落到实处。3.2004年7月16日,中 * * 政治局委员、书记处书记、国务委员周永康在召开的全国打击淫秽色情网站专项行动电视电话会议上强调,要认真贯彻落实胡 * * * * 关于打击淫秽色情网站的重要指示精神,在全国范围内迅速组织开展打击淫秽色情网站专项行动,坚决遏制住网上淫秽色情活动发展蔓延的势头,促进我国互联网更加规范有序的发展。4.2004年7月16日,公安部副部长白景富在介绍当前互联网上淫秽色情违法犯罪活动的情况时认为,互联网上淫秽色情信息泛滥,已经成为一种新型的社会公害。网上淫秽色情违法犯罪活动呈现出4大突出特点:一是形式多样,触目惊心。淫秽色情网站提供大量的淫秽色情图片、录像、电影、文字。有的还开办论坛,进行网上“性交流”“性交易”;有的利用视频聊天室,组织赤裸裸的色情表演、“声音性交”“视频性交”等等。二是教唆引诱,气焰嚣张。一些淫秽色情网站不仅给网民以感官刺激,而且教唆、引诱网民进行淫秽色情活动。有的提供色情交易联系渠道;有的公然在网上招嫖,组织、介绍卖淫嫖娼活动。三是非法经营,牟取暴利。网上淫秽色情信息泛滥的主要原因是为了牟取暴利。一些不法分子伤天害理、赚黑钱,靠制贩、传播淫秽色情信息,大发不义之财。四是危害严重,反映强烈。网上淫秽色情信息泛滥,严重污染网络环境,毒害人们思想,败坏社会风气。特别值得注意的是,我国网民70%是30岁以下的青少年。一些青少年由于长期沉湎于网上淫秽色情信息,有书不读,有学不上,荒废了青春,迷失了人生,有的甚至走上了违法犯罪的道路。对此,社会各界和广大人民群众痛心疾首,强烈要求清除这些网络“毒瘤”。5.2004年7月16日,公安部副部长白景富在部署打击淫秽色情网站专项行动时表示,将以最大的决心,采取最有力的措施,力争把专项行动打出声威、打出实效。哪个地方接到群众举报,哪个地方就要认真核实、调查。查处工作有难度的,要及时向上级公安机关报告。凡是推诿扯皮、贻误战机的,要严肃追究有关责任人员的责任;凡是通风报信、徇私枉法的,要严肃处理。白景富说,这次专项行动的关键是要突破一批大要案件。专项行动将查处一批网上制作、贩卖、传播淫秽色情信息和组织、介绍卖淫嫖娼活动的大要案件,依法严惩一批违法犯罪分子;坚决摧毁一批淫秽色情网站;清理、打击利用互联网进行赌博、诈骗、传播有害信息的违法犯罪活动;建立一套严格管理、有效防范、及时打击网上淫秽色情违法犯罪活动的长效机制。要通过专项行动,有效遏制境内互联网上淫秽色情有害信息的传播蔓延,增强互联网站的行业自律意识,促进互联网规范、有序、健康发展。白景富说,公安机关要切实提高网上发现、处置能力,做到对淫秽色情信息和网站及时发现、及时查处。对互联网上的淫秽色情信息要及时删除,捣毁淫秽色情网站和“黑窝点”。同时还要有效截断非法经营收入的渠道。6.2004年7月16日,公安部开通淫秽色情网站举报电话和举报网站,24小时接受社会各界和人民群众的举报。举报电话为:010—65283344;010—65207655。举报网站网址为:www.cyberpolice.cn。新华社报道说,此举旨在进一步发动群众对淫秽色情网站的围剿。报道说,各省和重点市公安机关也将设立举报电话和举报网站,发动广大民众自觉同网上淫秽色情违法犯罪活动作斗争。同时还将建立举报奖励机制,进一步调动和激发广大民众进行监督。7.2004年7月16日,国务院召开打击淫秽色情网站专项行动电视电话会议。在上海分会场,市委副书记刘云耕强调,当前淫秽色情网站已成为一种严重的社会公害,各部门要建立防范和打击的长效工作机制,努力从源头上消除其孳生和立足的空间。副市长周太彤等出席会议。据悉,7月10日至15日,上海公安机关已侦破淫秽色情网站案件9起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人32名。8.2004年6月10日,“违法和不良信息举报中心”(net.china.cn)网站成立,负责接受市民对色情网络的投诉,日访问量高达400万次。截至7月16日该中心共接到公众来信数千封,2万多条投诉,目前已经处理18000多条,网民检举和揭发出的国内互联网涉“黄”网站数量多达300余家,共有30多家网站因为涉“黄”被强制关闭。这些淫秽色情网站内容不堪入目,绝大多数既提供淫秽图片、淫秽电影和录像片段,同时还提供色情交易联系渠道。9.早在2000年9月,中国就正式颁布实施了互联网信息服务管理办法,明确规定互联网信息服务提供者不得制作、复制、发布、传播散布淫秽色情等信息。然而为了谋取经济利益,不少网站特别是私人网站铤而走险。2004年7月河南省南阳市公安局查获的一家私人网站就是这样一个网站。网站主办者赵丹一人就在论坛上粘贴淫秽电影连接551个,粘贴色情小说 20多篇,点击率高达1万6千多次。
