1.“光”的解释有:①照在物体上,使人能看见物体的物质 ②一点不剩,全没有了 ③只;单 ④(物体表面)平滑
(1)妹妹把自己的零用钱全花光了。( )
(2)这些作业本的纸张质量很好,纸面很光。( )
(3)明亮的月光,照在院子里的各个角落。( )
(4)不光是我一朵,一池的荷花都在舞蹈。( )
2.“抽”的解释有:①(某些植物体)长出 ②打 ③把夹在中间的东西取出 ④吸
(1)他从信封里抽出信纸,展开来读。( )
(2)树木抽出了新的枝条。( )
(3)赶车人用鞭子一抽,马儿就跑了起来。( )
(4)池塘里的水已经被抽干了。( )
Which of the following statements concerning security valuation is FALSE()
A. An investor may determine the required rate of return for the dividend discount model (DDM) by adding a risk premium to the nominal risk-free rate.
B. In the dividend discount model (DDM), the value of the firm is the present value of all future dividends.
C. An investor can estimate the growth rate for the dividend discount model (DDM) by multiplying the firm's return on equity (ROE) by the firm's dividend payout ratio.