As crime skyrockets in many communities, people are finally beginning to look for long-lasting effective answers to stem the tide of juvenile crime. Reaching the youth who have committed a crime before they become (1) is an essential step in reversing the crime trend. One (2) may be the establishment of teen court. Teen court is known as a sentencing court for youths who have (3) . Teen courts primarily deal with first-time offenders. After arrest, the young offender must (4) to the charge in juvenile court. With (5) , the offender agrees to be sentenced and abide by the decision of peer jury (6) . Another essential component to teen court is that, as part of the sentence, the offender must sit in on one of more future peer juries to (7) for other offenders. For example, a county teen court in Illinois gives young offenders a chance to (8) their arrests from their permanent record by (9) or other duties ordered by the court. Teen court is not a trial court. All teens admit their guilt and (10) a sentence given to them by a jury of their peers. A judge is present to (11) of the court. The teen court alleviates the strain on the (12) and has been implemented in (13) since the first teen court opened in Odessa, Texas. Beside giving the offender a second chance, it gives the youth (14) in the judicial process. The purpose of the teen court, aside from sentencing youth offenders, is to (15) both the offenders and the teen volunteers while simultaneously promoting (16) between defendants, the community, and the police. By offering this (17) system, teen court allows those teens who have made a bad decision an opportunity to (18) and learn from it. At the same time those teens learn (19) . The police, the community, and the (20) .
鲁迅笔下的阿Q,对于自己进监牢并不烦恼,而以为“惟有圈而不圆,却是他‘行状’上的一个污点”。不仅如此,鲁迅用一百多字详尽描写“阿Q立志要画得圆”却未能如愿的过程,其用心又是什么 鲁迅在《阿Q正传》中并没有解答的问题却在杂文中显示了解答的钥匙。鲁迅认为,圆滑是中国国民性的特征之一,大团圆是中国小说戏曲的重要特征,甚至自然景观的欣赏也有“十景病”的圆满心理。鲁迅认为,中国的历史只有两个时代:“想做奴隶而不得的时代”和“暂时做稳了奴隶的时代”,“这一种循环,也就是‘先儒’之所谓‘一治一乱’也就是原地不动地画圆圈”。 阿Q所画的圆圈,不是一个普通的网圈,而是中国文化的象征符号。 阿Q的精神胜利法,就是国民希求圆满的象征。阿Q的地位一降再降,面对种种不幸,心理上仍能够圆满,精神上仍能够胜利,就典型而近乎夸张地突现了国民希求圆满的心态。 阿Q的“革命”是传统的画圆圈式的“革命”的翻版。阿Q式的革命即使成功了,也不过是另换了一个皇帝甚至暴君,“在自己的瓦砾中修补老例”。因此,不能简单地在阿Q革命与辛亥革命之间画上等号。 具有团圆心理的国民,只能演出一场圆圈式的革命,结尾也应该是大团圆才对,所以鲁迅为小说的最后一章命题为“大团圆”。当然,它没有重复传统小说和戏曲的大团网,而是以具有象征意味的反语技巧,来打破大团圆。阿Q所希望画圆的圆圈,将阿Q送上了杀头示众的路。鲁迅对封建传统文化的控诉是最令人惊心动魄的,在小说中只有《狂人日记》中的古旧传统“吃人”,可以与之相比。
A.阿Q式的革命 B.阿Q的精神胜利法C.鲁迅的杂文 D.中国文化的象征符号