问题 写作题



      1. 距离:博物馆离家约两公里;

      2. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去;

      3. 时间:八点出发,十点回家;

      4. 门票:免费

      5. 内容:见到了许多照片、书画(calligraphy and paintings)、瓷器(china)、佛像(statues of Buddha)等,学到了很多知识。还看见了许多游人。



ne possible version:

           Monday, Aug. 2                                                                              Fine

     Today is Monday. And the weather is sunny. My friend Tony and I went to visit Zhu Cheng Museum.

It is about 2 kilometers away from my home. So we decided to go there by bike. We set off at 8 o’clock. At the museum we saw many photos and other things such as calligraphy and paintings, all kinds of ancient china, statues of Buddha and so on. We learned a lot. Above all, Zhu Cheng Museum is free. There we

saw a lot of children with their parents.  At ten we left the museum for home. We had a wonderful time

