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(2)、在法律效力上与普通法律不同(宪法法律效力的最高性)。与普通法律比较起来,宪法具有最高的法律效力:是制定普通法的依据和基础;普通法律、行政法规和地方性法规都不得同宪法相抵触;全国各族人民,一切国家机关和武装力量,各政党和各社会团体、各企事业组织都必须以宪法为根本的活动准则。(3)、在制定和修改的程序上与普通法律不同(宪法制定、修改程序的严格性)。宪法的修改,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会或五分之一以上的全国人民代表大会代表提议,并由全国人民代表的三分之二以上的多数通过。一般法律修改则由全国人大 * * 团、全国人大常委会、全国人大各专门委员会、国务院、中央军委、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院以及全国人大的一个代表团或30民以上的代表,均可提出议案,并只需给全国人大全体代表过半数通过即可。




I had applied for the nuclear submarine program, and Admiral Rickover interviewed me for the job. It was the first time I met Admiral Rickover, and we sat in a large room  41 ourselves for more than two hours, and he let me  42 any subjects I wished to  43 . Very carefully, I chose those about which I knew most at the time – current events, seamanship, music, literature, naval tactics, electronics, gunnery – and he began to ask me a series of questions of increasing  44 . In each instance, he soon  45 that I knew relatively  46 about the subjects I had chosen.

He always looked right  47 my eyes,and he never smiled. I was wet with cold  48 .

Finally, he asked me a question and I thought I could regain  49 . He said, “How did you  50  in your class at Georgia Tech before  51 our Annapolis as a plebe (军校新生) ?” I had done very well, and I swelled my chest with pride and answered, “Sir, I stood fifty-ninth in a class of 820!” I sat back to wait for the  52 --- which never came.  53 , the question: “Did you do your best?” I started to say, “Yes, Sir,” but I remembered who this was, and  54 several of my times at the academy 55 I could have learned more about our supporters, our enemies, weapons strategy, and so forth. I was just human. I 56 my throat and finally said, “No, Sir. I didn’t always do my  57.”  

He looked at me for a long time, and then turned his chair around to  58 the interview. He asked one final question, which I have never been able to forget  59 to answer. He said, “Why not?” I sat there for a while,  60 , and then slowly left the room.

41.A.beside      B.with  C.for    D.by

42.A.choose      B.consider    C.elect    D.search

43.A.learn      B.confirm    C.discuss   D.concern

44.A.humor      B.knowledge       C.difficulty       D.ability

45.A..proved  B.showed  C.meant       D.imagined

46.A.much       B.anything        C.little      D.everything

47.A.for    B.into   C.back  D.up

48.A.sweat       B.air     C.water D.weather

49.A.consideration   B.permission          C.self-confidence D.self-defense

50.A.stand B deal.    C.behave      D.go

51.A.leaving     B.reaching   C.choosing   D.entering

52.A.celebrations     B.expectations     C.evaluations       congratulations

53.A.Thus B.Instead     C.However   D.Therefore

54.A.recalled    B.tried  C.analyzed   D.examined

55.A.where       B.that   C.when       D.which

56.A.cleared     B examined.   C cleaned.      D treated.

57.A.worst       B.best       C.fewest      D.least

58.A.start       B.continue   C.interrupt   D.end

59.A.so   B.and        C.or     D.but

60.A.moved      B.excited     C.frightened D.shaken