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Louis Braille was born in Coupvray, France. He was a very small child. Unluckily, at the age of four, he became blind by accident. Louis began attending school in his town when he was seven years old. Three years later, Louis and his father traveled to Paris. There, he went to a school for blind children. One day a French soldier, Charles Barbier, visited the school. Barbier invented a system of night-reading. This system used small dots for the letters. Soldiers used this system in time of war. Barbier thought this system could help the blind to read. Soon Braille discovered that there were some shortcoming (缺点) in Barbier’s system, but it gave Louis a brilliant idea. He improved Barbier’s system. By the age of fifteen, his new system was completed! Now he wanted blind schools to try his system. Luck went against him again. The school refused to use his system. Louis died in 1852 in Paris at the age of forty-three. Two years after he died, the blind schools began to use his system. Today we call this system Braille in honour of Louis Braille. His system is used for all languages, and for maths, science, writing, music, and computers for the blind.