2012年2月26日 ,《人民日报》载文指出,我国基本医疗保障制度已覆盖全体城乡居民,截至2011年底,城镇职工医保、城镇居民医保、新农合“三项医保”的城乡居民参保人数超过13亿人,比预定目标增加3000多万,参加率达到了95%左右,超过计划5个百分点。“我国基本医疗保障制度已覆盖全体城乡居民”有利于
Research studies show that there are some fundamental (1) between men and women in their attitudes to (2) matters. Women are far more likely to save for their children’s (3) and to save up to buy a (4) . Men tend to save for a (5) , and for their (6) . But in fact the need for women to save for their old age is far (7) than for men. Throughout the world, women are likely to live many years (8) than men. Furthermore it is the (9) women who will most often have to look after the children and thus they need more (10) to look after not just themselves but others. Women today need to look ahead, think ahead, not wait until they’re under (11) . A number of (12) have been set up to help them do this. Some educational institutions offer night (13) in Money (14) . They can be given (15) on different ways of saving. It is usually advised that at least (16) of a person’s savings should be in low-risk investments but for the rest, (17) advisors often advise taking some (18) risks. Initiatives such as this can give women the economic (19) and knowledge they need for a comfortable, (20) retirement.