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贾炳灿是从上海高压油泵厂调任上海液压件三厂厂长的。他原是上海高压油泵厂厂长, 因治厂有方,使该厂连获“行业排头兵”与“优秀企业”称号,已是颇有名望的管理干部了。这次是他主动向局里请求,调到这问题较多的液压件三厂来的。局里对他能迅速改变这厂的落后面貌寄予厚望。 贾厂长到任不久,就发现原有厂纪厂规中确有不少不尽合理之处,需要改革。但他觉得先要找到一个能引起震动的突破口,并能改得公平合理,令人信服。 他终于选中了一条。原来厂里规定,本厂干部和职工,凡上班迟到者一律扣掉当月奖金。他觉得这规定貌似公平,其实不然。因为干部们发现自己可能来不及了,便先去局里或公司兜一圈再来厂,有个堂而皇之的因公晚来借口免于受罚,工人则无借口可依。厂里400来人,近半数是女工,孩子妈妈,家务事多,早上还要送孩子上学或人园,有的甚至得抱孩子来厂入托。本厂未建家属宿舍,职工散住全市各地,远的途中要换乘一两趟车;还有人住在浦东,要摆渡上班。碰上塞车、停渡,尤其雨、雪、大雾,尽管提前很早出门,仍难免迟到。他们想迁来工厂附近,无处可迁;要调往住处附近工厂,很难成功,女工更难办。所有这些,迟到不能责怪工人自己。贾厂长认为应当从取消这条厂规下手改革。 有的干部提醒他,莫轻举忘动,此禁一开,纪律松弛,不可收拾;又说别的厂还设有考勤钟,迟到一次罚款更多,我厂才扣这点算个啥? 但贾厂长斟酌再三,这条一定得改,因为钱虽少,若工人觉得不公、不服,气不顺,就影响到工作积极性。于是在3月末召开的全厂职工会上,他正式宣布,从4月1日起,工人迟到不再扣奖金,并说明了理由。这项政策的确引起了全厂的轰动,职工们报以热烈的掌声。 不过贾厂长又补充道:“迟到不扣奖金,是因为常有客观原因。但早退则不可原谅,因为责在自己,理应重罚;所以凡未到点而提前洗手、洗澡、吃饭者,要扣半年奖金!”这有时等于几个月的工资啊。贾厂长觉得这条补充规定跟前面取消原规定同样公平合理,但工人们却反应冷淡。 新厂规颁布不久,发现有7名女工提前2分钟至3分钟不等去洗澡。人事科请示怎么办,贾厂长断然说到:“照厂规扣她们半年奖金,这才能令行禁止嘛。”于是处分的告示贴了出来。次日中午,贾厂长偶过厂门,遇上了受罚女工之一的小郭,问她道:“罚了你,服气不?”小郭不理而疾走,老贾追上几步,又问。小郭悻悻然扭头道:“有什么服不服?还不是你厂长说了算!”她一边离去一边喃喃地说:“你厂长大人可曾上女澡堂去看过那像啥样子?” 贾厂长默然。他想:“我是男的,怎么会去过女澡堂?”但当天下午趁澡堂还没开放,跟总务科长老陈和工会 * * 老梁一块去看了一躺女澡堂。原来这澡堂低矮狭小,破旧阴暗, 一共才设有12个淋浴喷头,其中还有3个不太好使。贾厂长想,全厂194名女工,分两班也每班有近百人,淋一次浴要排多久队?下了小夜班洗完澡,到家该几点了?明早还有家务活要干呢。她们对早退受重罚不服,是有道理的。看来这条厂规制定时,对这些有关情况欠调查了解了„„ 下一步怎么办?处分布告已经公布了,难道又收回不成?厂长新到任订的厂规,马上又取消或更改,不就等于厂长公开认错,以后还有啥威信?私下悄悄撤消对她们的处分,以后这一条厂规就此不了了之,行不?„„ 贾厂长皱起了眉头。








If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it may explain at least one of their shared beliefs: Men and women can’t be real friends. Many may point to the jealousy that plagues many rational people when a significant other befriends someone of the opposite sex. Boil it down to the inherent differences between the sexes. It just can’t be done. Is it right

Wrong, say relationship experts. "The belief that men and women can’t be friends comes from another era in which women were at home and men were in the workplace, and the only way they could get together was for romance," explains Linda Sapadin, Ph. [D], a psychologist in private practice in Valley Stream, New York. "Now they work together and have sports interests together and socialize together." This cultural shift is encouraging psychologists, sociologists and communications experts to put forth a new message: though it may be tricky, men and women can successfully become close friends. What’s more, there are good reasons for them to do so.

Society has long singled out romance as the prototypical male-female relationship because it spawns babies and keeps the life cycle going; cross-sex friendship, as researchers call it, has been either ignored or trivialized. We have rules for how to act in romantic relationships (flirt, date, get married, have kids) and even same-sex friendships (boys relate by doing activities together, girls by talking and sharing). But there are so few platonic male-female friendships on display in our culture that we’re at a loss even to define these relationships.

A certain 1989 film starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal convinced a nation of moviegoers that romance always comes between men and women, making true friendship impossible. "When Harry Met Sally set the potential for male-female friendship back about 25 years," says Michael Monsour, Ph. D., assistant professor of communications at the University of Colorado at Denver and author of Women and Men as Friends: Relationships across the Life Span in the 21st Century. "Almost every time you see a male-female friendship, it winds up turning into romance."

In 1989, Don O’Meara, Ph. D., a sociology professor at the University of Cincinnati-Raymond Walters College, published a landmark study in the journal Sex Roles on the top impediments to cross-sex friendship. Among several challenges he pointed out in his research, society may not be entirely ready for friendships between men and women that have no sexual subtext. People with close friends of the opposite sex are often barraged with nudging, winking and skepticism: "Are you really just friends" This is especially true, says O’Meara, of older adults, who grew up when men and women were off-limits to each other until marriage.

Which one of the following would be the best subtitle for the last paragraph()

A. Establishing Equality: The power play

B. The Public Eye: Dealing with doubters

C.The Meeting Place: Finding friends

D. Defining the Relationship: Friends or Lovers