问题 单项选择题 A1/A2型题










2011年12月10日,中国绝大部分地区观测到了月食的全过程,并欣赏到了一轮美丽的红月亮,一度称为媒体热点。月食是一种特殊的天文现象,这时如果地球和月亮的中心大致在同一      (平面/直线)上,月亮就会进入地球的本影,而产生月全食。如果只有部分月亮进入地球的本影,就产生月偏食。月食时为什么会出现红色月亮呢?科学家介绍,这是因为红色的光波长较长,穿透力也较强。浓厚的大气层把紫、蓝、绿、黄光都吸收掉了,只剩下红色光可以穿透过来。月全食时的红月亮也是同样的道理,大气层将红色光     (反射/折射)到月球表面上,所以我们仍然能看到在地影里,红红的月亮挂在天空中。


(2)太阳光   (是/不是)单色光,由                   七种色光混合而成,这种将白光分解的现象叫           ,首先研究这一现象的是    国的物理学家        。光的三原色是            ,光在真空中传播的速度为         km/s,我们能看见鲜艳的红领巾,是因为红领巾                             



(4)月亮   (是/不是)光源,我们平时所看到的皎洁的月亮是因为              ,月食形成的原理是                         。

     In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to
represent, in fact, what I call    1    and love.
     I don't remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did    2    the water. Any kind
of    3    ride seemed to give pleasure.    4    he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.
     But I never really liked being on the water the way my father did. I liked being    5    the water, moving
through it,    6    it all around me. I was not a strong    7    , or one who learned to swim early, for I had
my     8    . but  I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father's office and    9    those summer
days with my father, who    10   come by on a break. I needed him to see what I could do. My father
would stand there in his suit, the    11   person not in swimsuit.
     After swimming, I would go    12    his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk,
where he let me    13   anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was left alone at his desk  
  14    he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn't be
playing with his    15    . but my father always    16    and said easily, "Oh, no, it's    17    ." Sometimes he
handed me coins and told me to get    18    an ice cream…
( )1. A. desire        
( )2. A. avoid        
( )3. boat            
( )4. A, But          
( )5. A. On            
( )6. A. having        
( )7. A. swimmer      
( )8. A. hopes        
( )9. A. spending      
( )10. A. should      
( )11. A. next        
( )12. A. away from    
( )13. A. put up      
( )14. A. the moment  
( )15. A. fishing net  
( )16. A. stood up    
( )17. A. fine        
( )18. A. the student  
( )19. A. memory      
( )20. A. which        
B. joy              
B. refuse          
B. bus              
B. Then            
B. off              
B. leaving          
B. rider            
B. faiths          
B. saving          
B. would            
B. only            
B. out of          
B. break down      
B. the first time  
B. office things    
B. set out          
B. strange          
B. the assistant    
B. wealth          
B. who              
C. anger        
C. praise        
C. train        
C. And          
C. by            
C. making        
C. walker        
C. rights        
C. wasting      
C. had to        
C. other        
C. by            
C. play with    
C. while        
C. wooden chair  
C. showed up    
C. terrible      
C. myself        
C. experience    
C. what          
D. worry          
D. love          
D. bike          
D. Still          
D. in            
D. getting        
D. runner        
D. fears          
D. ruining        
D. ought to      
D. last          
D. inside        
D. work out      
D. before        
D. lab equipment  
D. lab equipment  
D. funny          
D. himself        
D. practice      
D. whose