To say that today’s business environment is becoming increasingly more global is to state the obvious. Meetings, phone calls and conferences are held all over the world and attendees can come from any point on the globe. You may never have to leave home to interact on an international level. While the old adage "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" still holds true. Not to do your homework and put your best international foot forward can cost you relationships and future business. One small misstep such as using first names inappropriately or not observing the rules of timing bouquet can be costly. Keeping in mind that there are as many ways to do business as there are countries to do business with, here are a few tips for minding your global P’s and Q’s. Americans like to dress for fashion and comfort, but people from other parts of the world are generally more conservative. Your choice of business attire is a signal of your respect for the other person. Leave your trendy clothes in the closet on the days that you meet with your foreign guests. It is not always a simple matter to know who the highest-ranking member is when you are dealing with a group. To avoid embarrassment, err on the side of age and masculine gender, only if you are unable to discover the protocol with research. If you are interacting with the Japanese, it is important to understand that they make decisions by consensus, starting with the younger members of the group. With a few exceptions, business people around the world use the handshake for greeting. The American style handshake with a firm grip, two quick pumps, eye contact and a smile is not universal. Variations in handshakes are based on cultural differences. The Japanese give a light handshake. Germans offer a firm shake with one pump. Middle Eastern people will continue shaking your hand throughout the greeting. Don’t be surprised if you are occasionally met with a kiss, a hug, or a bow somewhere along the way. Not everyone in the world is as time-conscious as Americans. Don’t take it personally if someone from a more relaxed culture keeps you waiting or spends more of that commodity than you normally would in meetings or over meals. Stick to the rules of punctuality, but be under standing when your contact from another country seems unconcerned. Whether the world comes to you or you go out to it, the greatest compliment you can pay your international clients is to learn about their customs. Understand differences in behavior and honor them with your actions. Don’t take offense when visitors behave according to their norms. People from other cultures will appreciate your efforts to accommodate them and you will find yourself building your international clientele.
What do you understand by the slang "P’s and Q’s"
A. It means there are as many ways to do business as there are countries to do business with.B. It refers to someone’s behaviors.C. It represents your attire in a business environment.D. It signifies your respect to your business clients.