问题 不定项选择

某一载货轮船,在航行途中遇特大风浪,不幸触礁,船身被撞穿一个大洞,随即海水大量涌人,不仅使货物遭到严重的水渍,而且船舶由于大量进水,随时有沉船的危险。为了船、货的共同安全,船长急令轮船驶向附近的浅滩,同时命令将部分货物抛到海里。船舶在浅滩搁浅后,滞留多日,被一过路货轮发现,拖到附近港口检修。经过检查与核对,在这次事故中,该船遭受了如下损失:(1)因触礁,船舶被撞穿一个大洞;(2)因船舶进水,有50包大米被抛到海里;另有50包大米只有水渍损失,经晒干后,可作为次米出售;另外尚有:50包茶叶被海水浸泡已不能饮用;(3)除了以上货物,该船上还有一台精密仪器,因船舶触礁,船身剧烈震动致使该台仪器受到损坏,经专家检验,认为如要修复所需花费将超过该仪器的现有价值;(4)因搁浅而造成的损失。上述损失中,属于单独海损的是( )。









Maybe you know some well-known buildings, such as the Great Wall, the Great Hall of the People, the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But do you know the Royal Academy of Arts ?

Lying in the heart of London, the Royal Academy of Arts is an independent fine arts institution (机构) which supports modern artists and promotes interest in the arts through all kinds of exhibition programs. The Academy is completely independent. It is a self-funded (自筹资金的), organization which is governed by the Royal Academicians—eminent painters, printmakers, sculptors and architects who are elected to the position. The Academy has a long history and was founded in 1768 with Sir Joshua Reynolds as its first President. The Academy lies in Burlington House which itself has a long colorful history with parts of the original structure dating back to 1664. Today, the Academy attracts over one million visitors each year, making it one of London's top 10 attractions for paying visitors.

Air: London's City Airport. Gatwick Airport, Heathrow Airport, Luton Airport and Stansted Airport.

Rail: Underground: Piccadilly and Green Park or a short walk from Oxford Circus and Bond Street.

Road: Bus: Public services.

Contact Addresses:

Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London WIJ OBD

Telephone: 020 7300 8000

Website: www.royalacademy.org.uk

小题1:Which of the following is TRUE about the Academy of Arts?

A.It dates back to 1664.

B.You can't get there by underground.

C.It is much older than Burlington House.

D.It is one of London’s top 10 attractions.小题2:You can contact the Academy of Arts by all the following EXCEPT________________.

A.sending an e-mail

B.writing a letter

C.visiting the website

D.making a call小题3:The main purpose of this passage is to_______________________.

A.introduce the arts of England

B.introduce the well-known building of England

C.show the long history of England

D.attract more visitors to the Royal Academy of Arts