问题 单项选择题









解析:Ccr=UV/P=9 000?1 440/24?0)/90=100ml/min

单项选择题 B型题


     Mead Vale Community Primary School opened in new buildings and spacious grounds in September 1977,

within a fairly small mature estate community. Times have changed, and we now cover a far greater area and

children travel to the school from as far a field as Benwell. Parents now have the choice of selecting schools

for their children's education and many parents choose Mead Vale.

     We are a Community Primary School administered by the School Governing Board which is responsible to

the North Somerset Council Education Board. Present school roll is around 415 with space for 420 in total. We

are delighted that we were awarded "Beacon Status" in 2002 and are pleased to share our expertise with other

schools. Last year we had visits from as far away as South Africa and Spain. We are a primary school covering

ages 4-11 and on transfer from here parents usually choose Word Comprehensive, Priory Comprehensive or

Wyvern Comprehensive. We feel the advantage of a Primary School is the continuity of education from 4-11

and the greatly reduced trauma involved in moving schools from Infant to Junior or First to Middle at the age

of 7. We are convinced of the benefit of this and deliberately structure the school in phases at four levels:

     Foundation: the reception year-a separate special early years curriculum;

     Years l & 2: the first two years of the national curriculum- previously infants;

     Years 3 & 4: the third and fourth year of the national curriculum-previously lower juniors;

     Years 5 & 6: the fifth and sixth years of the national curriculum-previously upper juniors.

     In each phase the children stay with the same teacher. It is likely that they will have only 4 different class

teachers during their seven years with us.

1. According to the author, ____.

A. he will open a new school covering a far greater area

B. he is proud of the achievements the school has gained

C. he will let the children have four teachers each year

D. he thinks these seven years will reduce trauma involved in the transfer

2. What does the underlined word "phase" mean in the last paragraph?

A. Year.

B. Term.

C. Part.

D. Stage.

3. The relationship among the following is ____.

    Mead Vale-M; Community Primary School-C; the School Governing Board-S;

    North Somerset Council Education Board- N; UK-U

A. U-N-C-S-M

B. U-N-S-C-M

C. N-U-C-S-M

D. N-U-S-C-M

4. What shall a primary school do with the education according to the passage?

A. Open in new buildings and spacious grounds; get a "Beacon Status" award.

B. Have a "Beacon Status" award; carry on the continuity of education.

C. Carry on the continuity of education; reduce trauma involved in transferring schools.

D. Reduce trauma involved in transferring schools; divide the students into different phases.