问题 多项选择题








解析: 导游员的站姿应当稳重、自然。站立时,身体直立,挺胸收腹,双肩后展,两臂自然下垂(除手持话筒外),两脚或同肩等宽,或呈“V”字形,身体重心可轮流置于左右两脚之上。站立时,无特殊情况,双手忌叉腰,或插在衣裤袋中,或将双臂相绕置于胸前。






    Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

           Thank you so much for hiring me to the position of teaching assistant. I appreciate the time

    you took to interview me, and I am very glad to be working for you.

           I look forward to starting my position and, once again, I'd like to thank you for this great



                                                                                                                          Your signature


     Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

             Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me for the volunteer position at your

    hospital. I am very keen to have the chance to work for you and I truly appreciate this opportunity. 

             If you need more information regarding my past experiences, I would be more than happy

    to provide you with any information, which would be helpful. 

             Again, thanks for meeting with me.


                                                                                                                           Your signature


    Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

            I was very happy to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at

    the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills

    and interests.

           In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness

    (过分自信的)and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.

           I understand your need for administrative (管理的) support so my attention to detail and

    organizational skills will free you to deal with larger issues.

          I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you

    and I look forward to hearing from you about this position.


                                                                                                                   Your signature


     Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name, 

              I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you personally for all the time you spent

    with me when I visited your office. I have thought quite a bit about the possibility of joining

    your team and believe that, in addition to the contributions I could offer, I would learn a lot

    from you and benefit greatly from your talent, wisdom, and experience.

            I am very interested in working for the AB CD Company and look forward to hearing

    about this position soon.

             If there is any other information I can provide to help expedite the decision making

    process, please let me know.

            Again, I appreciate the time you have taken to talk with me.


                                                                                                                   Your signature


     Dear First Name (or Mr. / Ms. Last Name if you don't know them well),  

             Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search.

             I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided, and the

     experiences you have shared with me.

              Your assistance has been invaluable to me during this process.

              Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

                                                                                                                 Best regards,

                                                                                                              Your signature


     Dear Mr. / Ms. Last Name,

             Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work at ABCD

     Associates. Unfortunately, I will not be accepting the position as it does not fit the path

              I am taking to achieve my career goals. 

             Once again, I'd like to express my gratitude for the offer and my regrets that it

     didn't work out. You have my best wishes in finding someone else who is suitable for

     the position.

                                                                                                               Best regards,

                                                                                                             Your signature


    1. After the interview, Jackson found a strong desire(欲望) in himself to recommend (推荐) himself

again to impress the interviewer for a job at an accountant(会计师) firm (公司) through a letter.

    2. Anna, who has just graduated from university and is eager to be a college teacher, has succeeded

in a job interview of Beijing Normal University.  

    3. David wants to set up his own company in his own style in order to realize his dreams in the IT

industry, so he has to refuse an invitation to work for a large company.

    4. Bob failed many times in finding an ideal job for his special major before he went for help from a

career consultant (职业顾问).

    5. Samuel is always ready to help other students in college and he plans to work as a volunteer

during the summer holidays to help the local people.