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左翼作家叶紫小说的最主要的特点是富有战斗性。战斗性表现在作品的题材是北伐、大革命时期和革命失败后的湖南农村阶级矛盾和农民的觉醒,秋收起义和工农武装割据;主题是阶级斗争,谴责国民党和地主豪绅对农民的残酷压迫剥削、屠杀 * * 歌颂党领导的农民暴动和工农武装割据的斗争;人物是在阶级斗争血泊中觉醒起来的新农民形象。

短篇小说集《丰收》中《丰收》一篇的主人公老农民云普叔,安分守己,勤劳善良,全家节衣缩食,多方借贷,甚至卖掉小女儿,才战胜水旱灾荒,取得丰收;但丰收后的谷子被地主、官府以各种名目抢掠一空,这才使他觉醒过来,赞成儿子立秋的抗租活动。《火》是《丰收》的续篇,写秋收暴动,在党的领导下立秋等广大农民冲进地主庄院惩处恶霸,夺得枪支,投奔革命队伍。鲁迅曾称赞《丰收》集:“文学是战斗的”。叶紫的中篇小说《星》在湖南农民运动的大背景下展示农村妇女命运,探讨妇女解放的道路。女主人公梅春姐饱受封建婚姻之苦,常受丈夫凶残虐待。农民运动兴起,妇女解放,她与革命者黄相恋,积极投身妇女运动。“四一二” * * 后农民运动被 * * ,她失去了恋人与儿子,重被投进夫权桎梏中,生活更悲惨;但被星光照亮的梅春姐不再向黑暗屈服,她丢弃旧家走向光明的“东方”。梅春姐是被时代大潮唤醒的新型农村妇女形象,这一形象说明妇女解放与社会解放息息相关,必须投身于社会解放的革命洪流才是妇女解放的光明大道。叶紫小说艺术上的特点是:富有激情,人物十分真实。因为他所描写的生活是他所熟悉的,人物是他所挚爱的。叶紫全家当时都投人轰轰烈烈的湖南农民运动,“四一二” * * 后,父亲、姐姐均遭反动派杀害。这就使他的作品中有着“火样的热情,血和泪的现实的堆砌”,和那种概念化的革命文学作品不同。作品中的炽烈感情不是以激昂的叫喊或大声斥责的方式表现,而是在事件的演进中细腻地刻画人物的内心世界,《星》在这方面尤其表现得成熟,因而增强了艺术感染力。



     Thousands of jobs come into our Job Centre and Employment Office every week, but they get snapped

up (抢夺) quickly. So although we shall do all we can to help you, it's important for you to do all you can

to help yourself. This passage tells you how.

Registered for work

     Once you have registered for work we will match you against available (可获得) vacancies. You must

also register for work at the Job Centre in order to claim (demand) unemployment benefit. But you can

actually apply for benefit at the local Unemployment Office.

Getting a job through self-service

     Jobs that come in are put on self-service show as soon as possible. Half the people who find jobs through

Job Centres and Employment Offices find them through self-service. You can call in at any time to look at

the jobs shown.

If you want further help with finding a job

     If you want more help or advice, don't forget that's what we're here for. Our Employment Advisers can

help you with things like:

     *thinking about the different sorts of jobs you could do and which are best for you

     *jobs available locally or elsewhere

     *your suitability for a JOBS training course with a tax free allowance (津贴)

     *grants (补助金) to help you look, and move to, work in other parts

     Even though you have a clear idea of the sort of job and pay you want, you may find that something

different will suit you quite well. Keep this in mind when you're talking with the Employment Adviser.

If you don't find a job on your first visit

     Go into self-service as often as you can to look at the jobs on show there. Good vacancies are coming

in all the time that have just been registered for employment.

     If you can't get to the office easily, come in whenever you can. It'll help you to find a job faster if you

keep in touch.

1. The purpose of the passage is to ____.

A. provide general advice about what to do when you haven't job

B. suggest how to get the most benefit possible from a certain employment service

C. give information about services available for unemployed people

D. help to reduce the number of unemployed people

2. The people most likely to get jobs are those who ____.

A. make use of job information services at the Job Centre

B. regularly ask for help and advice at the Job Centre

C. use their own ideas and common sense in looking for a job

D. register for work immediately when the need arises

3. Unemployed people can actually claim benefit from ____.

A. the Job Centre

B. all the Unemployment offices

C. both the Job Centre and the Unemployment Office

D. the local Unemployment Office

4. When you're talking with the Employment Adviser, you'd better ____.

A. change your ideas of jobs when necessary

B. stick to your first idea of jobs

C. not talk about payment for work

D. talk about your own interest
