问题 单项选择题











(1)目前合成氨技术原理为:N2(g) + 3H2(g)2NH3(g); △H=-92.4kJ·mol-1

① 673K,30MPa下,上述合成氨反应中n(NH3)和n(H2)随时间变化的关系如图所示。下列叙述正确的是__________。



C.点d和点 e处的n(N2)相同


② 在容积为2.0 L恒容的密闭容器中充入0.80 mol N2(g)和1.60 mol H2(g),反应在673K、30MPa下达到平衡时,NH3的体积分数为20%。该条件下反应N2(g) + 3H2(g)2NH3(g)的平衡常数K= ________。(保留小数一位)K值越大,表明反应达到平衡时_________(填标号)。





(2)1998年希腊亚里斯多德大学的两位科学家采用高质子导电性的 SCY陶瓷(能传递H+),实现了高温常压下高转化率的电解合成氨。其实验装置如图。阴极的电极反应式


(3)根据最新“人工固氮”的研究报道,在常温、常压、光照条件下, N2在催化剂(掺有少量Fe2O3的TiO2)表面与水发生下列反应:N2(g) + 3H2O(1)2NH3(g) + O2(g)。△H = a kJ·mol-1 进一步研究NH3生成量与温度的关系,常压下达到平衡时测得部分实验数据如下表


②已知:N2(g) + 3H2(g)2NH3(g)  ΔH= -92 .4kJ·mol-1        

2H2(g) + O2(g) = 2H2O(l) = -571.6kJ·mol-1

则N2(g) + 3H2O(l) = 2NH3(g) +  O2(g) ΔH=_____________kJ·mol-1

     Jerry is the kind of man you love to hate.He is always in a(n)__1__mood and always has something
__2__to say.In his opinion, the bottom line is your choice__3__you live a life.
     One morning, he did something you are never__4__to do in the restaurant business: he left the back
door open and was__5__up at gunpoint by three armed robbers.While trying to open the__6__, with
his hand shaking from__7__, he input the wrong code.The robbers beat him and even__8__him.Luckily,
Jerry was found__9__quickly after the robbers had fled and he was rushed to the local first aid center.
After 18 hours of operation and weeks of good care, he was out of hospital with fragments (碎片) of
the bullets still in his body.
     Jerry told me what happened after he was sent to hospital.He said the doctors were  10  .They kept
telling him he was going to be fine and  11   him into the emergency room.But when he saw the  12   on
the faces of the doctors and nurses, he got really  13  .In their eyes, he 14  , "He's dying." He knew he
needed to take 15  .There was a big,burly nurse shouting questions at him.She asked if he was allergic
(过敏的) to anything, and the doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for his reply.Jerry
  16   for a while and then he decided to live.He took a deep breath and said, "Yes.  17  !" Over their
laughter, Jerry told them to operate on him  18   he wouldn't die.
     Jerry lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing  19  .I learnt from him
that every day we have the choice to live fully.
     Attitude,  20   , is everything.
( )1. A. exciting      
( )2. A. positive      
( )3. A. how            
( )4. A. advised        
( )5. A. pulled        
( )6. A. box            
( )7. A. nervousness    
( )8. A. knocked        
( )9. A. probably      
( )10. A. excited      
( )11. A. rolled        
( )12. A. surprise      
( )13. A. scared        
( )14. A. knew          
( )15. A. notice        
( )16. A. thought      
( )17. A. Medicine      
( )18. A. unless        
( )19. A. reply        
( )20. A. to be honest  
B. good          
B. funny        
B. where        
B. imagined      
B. put          
B. safe          
B. worry        
B. killed        
B. relatively    
B. organized    
B. carried      
B. expressions  
B. embarrassed  
B. found        
B. order        
B. wondered      
B. Operation    
B. even if      
B. attitude      
B. in that case  
C. usual        
C. new          
C. whether      
C. asked        
C. held          
C. counter      
C. unwillingness
C. knifed        
C. merely        
C. hardworking  
C. wheeled      
C. feeling      
C. disappointed  
C. meant        
C. breath        
C. judged        
C. Bullets      
C. as if        
C. opinion      
C. after all    
D. balanced              
D. different              
D. why                    
D. supposed              
D. done                  
D. door                  
D. pressure              
D. shot                  
D. reasonably            
D. great                  
D. forced                
D. puzzles                
D. annoyed                
D. read                  
D. action                
D. stopped                
D. Fragments              
D. before                
D. determination          
D. strictly speaking