Ha and Linh ordered expensive outfits to wear at a family gathering. They ordered the outfits from XYZ Co and paid for the outfits in full. They specified that delivery must be made by 20 October, in good time for the gathering that was scheduled for 25 October.XYZ Co delivered Ha’s outfit on 20 October but informed Linh that the delivery of her outfit would be delayed until 22 October. Linh reluctantly agreed to the late delivery.Linh did not receive her outfit until 24 October, but by then she had decided to purchase an alternative outfit from JKL Co. She informed XYZ Co that the outfit was no longer required, but XYZ Co delivered the outfit and stated that it would not refund the payment.Ha wore her outfit at the family gathering only to find that it was of extremely poor quality. The outfit started to fall to pieces during the gathering, causing some embarrassment to her.Required:
(a) Analyse the rights and obligations of Linh and XYZ Co in respect of the outfit that she rejected. (5 marks)
材料一 :“治民无常,唯以法治……明主之所制其臣者,二柄而已矣。二柄者,刑德也。何谓刑德?曰:杀戮之谓刑,庆赏之谓德。为人臣者畏诛罚而利庆赏……故法者,王之本也。”
材料三: 罗马法为后世提供了宝贵的参考经验。罗马共和国特设一种审理公职人员贪赃枉法、以权谋私等重大刑事案件的法院,实质上就是陪审法院。罗马实行一种“保护人制度”。保护人可以替被告发言,反驳控告人提出指控。罗马法中有句名言,即“没有告诉人就没有法官”。
材料四: 法律与道德作为上层建筑的组成部分,都是维护社会秩序、规范人们思想和行为的重要手段,……法治以其权威性和强制手段规范社会成员的行为,德治以其说服力和劝导力提高社会成员的思想认识和道德觉悟。道德规范和法律规范应该互相结合,统一发挥作用。
—— 摘自江 * * 《在中央思想政治工作会议上的讲话》