问题 判断题




A.dislike         B.satisfy         C.center              D.familiar
E.understanding   F.role    G.honoring        H.frightened
I.improved        J.strict
Art museums are places where people can learn about various cultures.The increasingly popular "design museums" that are opening today, however, perform quite a different  1 .Unlike most art museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found by the general public.These museums sometimes even place things like fridges and washing machines in the _2 of the hall.
People have argued that design museums are often made use of as advertisements for new industrial technology.But their role is not simply a matter of sales—It is the   3  of excellently invented products.The difference between the window of a department store and the showcase in a design museum is that the first tries to sell you something, while the second tells you the success of a sale.
One advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel   4  with the exhibits.Unlike the average art museum visitors, design museum visitors seldom feel   5  or puzzled.This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-produced products work, and how design has   6  the quality of our lives.Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something beyond their __7__
In recent years, several new design museums have opened their doors.Each of these museums has tried to   8  the public’s growing interest in the field with new ideas.London’s Design Museum, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from Zippo lighters to electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins.The choices open to design museums seem far less  _9  than those to art museums.
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案例八: 一般资料:求助者,男性,30岁,公司职员 案例介绍:求职者原计划在四个月前举行婚礼,准岳母却以求助者的父亲没有兑现“全款买房”为由,不同意女儿马上结婚,女友站在了母亲一边,认为求助者的父亲只支付了60万的首付,购房合同中没有自己的名字是对她们母女的轻视和不信任,而且如果婚后小夫妻自己还贷,生活会相当艰苦。求助者认为她们不该这样不讲理,与母女二人吵了起来,但安静下来后常常回忆四年里两人相处的甜蜜时光,希望能挽回女友的心,如期结婚,但母女二人不同意,求助者陷入两难的境地:一边是女友和其母亲苦苦相逼,另一边是目前确实拿不出足够的房款。求助者为此吃不下饭,睡不好觉,身体明显消瘦。求助者感觉四年的感情还比上一套房子!何况在相恋的四年里,对她们母女的生活关怀备至,连女友大学后三年的费用基本都是自己家支付的。现在自己家里只是遇到了暂时的经济困难,女友就准备抛弃自己,这让求助者难以接受,对她们母女充满了怨恨,内心处在极度矛盾和痛苦之中,无心去单位工作。经朋友劝说,主动前来寻求帮助。 心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:自幼娇惯、性格内向、缺乏独立性。




