—Oxford University has admitted that it will need efficient measures to keep itself among the international universities.
—___________ Do you think it will come true?
A.For what?
B.Take it easy.
C.What on?
D.So what?
工程中有2个窗体,名称分别为Form1、Form2,Form1为启动窗体,该窗体上有命令按钮Command1。 要求程序运行后单击该命令按钮时显示Form2,则按钮的Click事件过程应该是【 】
A.Private Sub Command1_Click() Form2.Show End Sub
B.Private Sub Commaad1 Click() Form2.Visible End Sub
C.Private Sub Command1_Click()Load Form2 End Sub
D.Private Sub Command1 Click() Form2 LoadEnd Sub