问题 单项选择题 A1/A2型题










March Break Leadership Camp

The aim of this FREE program is to develop an awareness of race relations, diversity, an equal issue for students in Grades 6-8.

Place: The Central Library Room

Time: March 16&17, 2009 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Pick up and hand in registration forms(报名表) at the Central Library. All forms must be handed in by March 6th. Space is limited.

Please send any questions related to the program to Becky George, the Public Library 905-831-6265 ext 6230 or email: pickering-younity@hotmail.com

Free Your Space……Free Your Mind

At the Central Library: Wednesday, May 13th from7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

This time management course will help you to create more balance and time in your life. In today’s increasingly stressful times, it is becoming more difficult to spend quality time with family and friends. This course will provide positive solutions and strategies (策略) to achieve peace.

Book Club for Teens

At the Central Library: Every 2nd Thursday at 7:00 pm

Do you enjoy reading? Part of the pleasure of reading comes from meeting with others to discuss characters, plots or style. Come to trade ideas and questions, and make new friends.

This program is currently full but for more information, please call 905-831-6265 ext 6232.

Computer Training

Group computer classes for teens will be provided at the Central Library in March, April, and May. Registration starts at 9:30 am on Friday, March 6th for the March session; Friday, March 27th for the April session; and Friday, April 24th for the May session.

A valid(有效的) Public Library card is required for all computer training sessions. Call the Central Library for more information or to register, 905-831-6265 ext 6243.

Limit 10 participants(参加者) per class.

小题1: What do these four programs have in common?

A.They are held in the same place.

B.They are held at the same month.

C.All of them are free of charge.

D.All of them limit the number of participants.小题2:John is always in a hurry and not good at arranging his time. He should attend_________.

A.Computer Training

B.Free Your Space …..Free Your Mind

C.March Break Leadership Camp

D.Book Club for teens小题3: If you want to do computer studies, you need to ______.

A.register for each session a month in advance

B.find other students to form a group

C.go to the library to register by yourself

D.own a valid Public Library card




扇子语 西班牙妇女用扇子,主要不是为了凉快,而是通过扇子做出各种动作,表达不便公开说出的话。当她打开扇子,把脸的下部遮起来,这表示问你喜欢我吗或者说我爱你;如果她一个劲地快速摇扇子,则表示我非常想念你;把扇子在手中翻来覆去,意思说你令人讨厌;如果把扇子收起来,意为你这个人不值得我爱;如果把扇子打开,支着下巴,意为我希望下次早点同你见面。
服色语 英国约克市的姑娘初恋时喜欢穿上不同色彩的紧身衣,向男青年表示心意:穿绿色的紧身服表示我还未择主,乐意同你交朋友;穿黄色的紧身服表示愿和我交朋友吗可以,但要耐心等待;如果穿上白色的紧身服则表示我不喜欢你,请不要追求我。希腊马其顿地区妇女,习惯以上衣颜色来表明自己的身份:身着绿色花边紧身上衣的,为待嫁少女;若身着白色花边上衣的,则为新娘;若穿淡绿色花边上衣,表明她是一个寡妇。
胡子语 在南斯拉夫东南部,蓄须者告诉你,他是医生;在瑞典的乌默河沿岸,蓄须者告诉你,他是教师;在巴西阿克里地区,蓄须者告诉你,他是餐馆的堂倌;在洪都拉斯的利蒙市,男子下巴蓄短须是告诉你,他是单身;假如是单身汉当着未婚女子的面,用手不断抚摸胡子,是告诉她,他爱她。

