近期各种才艺秀(talent show)节目火热,有些中学生也参与其中。请根据下面的提示,写一篇作文。
内容包括: 1. 描述一次发生在你身上或者你看到的参加才艺秀的经历;
2. 才艺秀有利有弊,如果你有机会,你会参加吗?请写出你会参加或者不会参加的理由。
I took part in a talent show in my school on Christmas Eve last year. I played a wonderful piano piece on the show. All my classmates and teachers were surprised at my talent. I felt excited about it.
Today talent shows are more and more popular. Some students think the shows can make them famous. If they have chance to show their abilities to others, they can be more confident. Others think it’s a waste of time and it’s hard for them to become successful. I won’t take part in any talent shows on TV. As a student, I think school work is the most important thing for me, I don’t care whether I am famous or not. I should work hard and spend more time on our studies.