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关于收益率曲线叙述不正确的是( )。




解析: 收益率曲线的斜率可以小于零。故选D。


欧盟原定于2012年1月1日起征收航空碳排税以应对冰川融化和全球变暖,使得对如何降低大气中CO2的含量及有效地开发利用碳资源的研究显得更加紧迫。请运 用化学反应原理的相关知识研究碳及其化合物的性质。


____C + ____K2Cr2O7 + ____→ ____CO2↑+ ____K2SO4 + ____Cr2(SO4)3 + ____H2O


(2)甲醇是一种新型燃料,甲醇燃料电池即将从实验室走向工业化生产。工业上一般以CO和H2为原料合成甲醇,该反应的热化学方程式为:CO(g)+ 2H2(g)CH3OH(g)  △H1=-116 kJ/mol

①下列措施中有利于增大该反应的反应速率的是  _______;






 △H2=-283 kJ·mol-1       

 △H3=-242 kJ·mol-1





ⅱ)利用图中a点对应的数据,计算出曲线Z 在对应温度下CO(g)+ 2H2(g)CH3OH(g) 的平衡常数K =__________。

(3)CO2在自然界循环时可与CaCO3反应,CaCO3是一种难溶物质,其Ksp=2.8×10-9。CaCl2溶液与Na2CO3溶液混合可形成CaCO3沉淀,现将等体积的CaCl2溶液与Na2CO3溶液混合,若Na2CO3溶液的浓度为7×10-4mol/L ,则生成沉淀所需CaCl2溶液的最小浓度为__________。



     COLUMBUS, Ohio-The heart operation taking place in the pale-green operating room at the Ohio State

University Medical Center was unusual. The patient, a 62-year-old man, was made to sleep, tied with blue

drapes (消毒帷帘) and lying face up on a narrow table. But no one was touching him.

     Instead, the operation was being performed by a robot, whose three metal arms went through pencil-sized

holes in the man's chest. At the ends of the robot's arms were tiny metal fingers, with turning wrists, which

held tiny instruments, a light and a camera. The robot's arms and fingers were controlled by Dr. Randall K.

Wolf, sitting at a computer in a corner of the operating room about 20 feet away.

     This sort of operation, heart surgeons say, is the start of what may be the biggest change in their profession

since heart bypass surgery (心脏搭桥手术) began nearly 30 years ago. "The reason we make cuts is that we

have big hands," said Dr. Wolf, the director of the surgery at Ohio State. The robot's dainty fingers, no longer

than a nail on the small finger, at the end of the long sticks could work better.

     Eventually, surgeons believe, most heart surgery will be done by robots whose arms are put in through

pencil-sized holes punched in patients' chests. Instead of directly staring into a patient's body, surgeons will

view magnified images of the operation on computer screens. In theory, the doctor would not have to be in the

same room, or even the same country, as the patient.

1. In this passage, the underlined word "dainty" means ____.

A. small

B. weak

C. fat

D. quick

2. According to the passage, the reason that most operations require large cuts is that ____.

A. patients have large organs

B. surgeons have large hands

C. large cuts take less time

D. large cuts cost less money

3. The main idea of this passage is that heart surgery by robots ____.

A. is quicker than surgery done by doctors

B. was developed at Ohio State University

C. is a new and risky procedure

D. may replace surgery done by doctors

4. Based on the information in this passage, all of the following conclusions are true EXCEPT ____.

A. all doctors at Ohio State develop new surgical techniques

B. robot surgery is. being developed at Ohio State

C. robot surgery will be used on many patients in the near future

D. many hospitals will eventually offer robot surgery to patients