问题 单项选择题

甲将房屋出租给乙,租赁期满后,乙并未腾退房屋,而是继续居住并按期支付租金,甲没有提出异议,对租金照收不误。根据合同法律制度的规定,有关甲乙之间的法律关系,表述正确的是( )。




解析: 租赁期届满,承租人继续使用租赁物,出租人没有提出异议的,原租赁合同继续有效,但租赁期限为不定期。


In a mountainous area of Brazil, there is a kind of beautiful butterfly which can kill men. If people meet them, they will come down in great quantities to bite and kill, sucking blood and flesh through the wounds they cause.

In June, 1966, a boy named Marl Andre who went into the mountains in search of butterfly specimens (标本) was killed by these butterflies. A country boy saw him when he was just about to catch a butterfly. Suddenly thousands of butterflies came down upon him, covering him all over. The boy struggled and cried as he tried to free himself from their attack. Finally he fell senseless to the ground. Police examined his body and proved that he had died of bites by butterflies.

In New Guinea, there is a kind of needlefish which also kills men. Needlefish likes light. At night, it will swim near the lights of fishing boats, then suddenly shoot out of water like an arrow to its target, and force its 3-inch sharp mouth into a human body. Of-ten people are thrust in the eye, or through the chest or stomach, resulting in death. Sometimes it will even attack the people in a fishing boat in broad daylight.

About 10 persons in the world are killed by sharks every year, yet more than 240 people are killed by needlefish every year.

小题1:From the passage, we know that ______.

A.butterflies are living in the mountains

B.all butterflies like sucking blood and eating fish

C.the butterflies in a certain part of Brazil can kill men

D.the more beautiful a butterfly is, the more dangerous it is小题2:Mari Andre was killed when he ______.

A.went to Brazil

B.tried to catch a butterfly

C. entered the mountains

D.raised a net小题3:Needlefish comes out ______.

A.sometimes at night

B.both at night and in the daytime

C.only when boats appear

D.usually in the daytime小题4:According to the story, each year needlefish kills ______.

A.twice more than sharks do

B.about 10 more persons than sharks do

C.24 times more persons than sharks do

D.fewer persons than sharks do小题5:The best title for the passage is ______.

A.Brazil Home of Dangerous Butterflies

B.Killer Butterflies and Needlefish

C.New Guinea—No Fit to Live in

D.Deaths Caused by Butterflies and Needlefish