问题 单项选择题









One day I walked down to get to my car, thinking about what I had to accomplish and scolding myself for being late for work, but surprisingly the car was nowhere to be found.

This was at 8 a.m. in the morning. I made trips to all the towing places and police stations, all the time thinking that it was towed (拖走)by cops (巡警).By around 10 a.m., the cops decided that it was actually stolen. After filing a report with them, I finally got to work thinking how my day was completely messed up.

Later in the day I went to pick up a rental car at Enterprise only to realize that my license was missing, too, along with my car. I told the enterprise guy the whole story and he offered to take me to the closest DMV and get a duplicate (副本) license. 1 was totally shocked. I did not know why this complete stranger would want to take some time off his day to help me. He actually took me to DMV, got a duplicate and then rented me a car. I was upset the whole day because of the events happening to me but somehow this simple act of kindness from a complete stranger made it all worth it. It cheered me up and made me forget all the troubles of the day. I was so moved by this kind act that the next day I made sure someone else got a similar surprise. I took some smiley shaped chocolates and left them on some of my colleagues’ desks.

There is still a lot of goodness out there in the world. We just need to take the time to notice it. I hope that this story would inspire many others like me to do more acts of kindness.

小题1:The moment the author found the car missing, he thought ______.

A.it was stolen by a stranger

B.it was towed by the police

C.he placed it in a wrong place

D.he should rent another one小题2:We can infer that DMV is ______.

A.an office for license

B.a towing place

C.a renting place

D.a parking lot小题3:Why did the author put some chocolates on his colleagues’ desks?

A.His colleagues were fond of chocolates.

B.He wanted to thank his colleagues.

C.He was touched and hoped to cheer others.

D.He wanted to do his colleagues a favor.小题4:The author writes about his experience ______.

A.to criticize the person stealing his cars

B.to praise the rental place at Enterprise

C.to tell us a surprising but moving story

D.to encourage people to do acts of kindness


(一)某企业拥有A宗地的划拔土地使用权,并于2009年9月1日与当地政府签订了该宗地的国有土地租赁协议,租期20年,实际支付的年租金为10元/㎡。A宗地土地面积为30000㎡,用途为工业,现已达到五通一平的开发程度。 经调查,A宗地周边有三宗条件相似的工业用地,具体情况如下: (1)B 宗地:占地45亩,于2005年9月1日通过征地方式取得,当时根据所在区域的市场行情,共支付了300万元征地及其相关税费,经开发建设,现已达到“七 通一平”的开发程度,共花费土地开发费540万元。据调查,从2005年9月1日到2009年9月1日期间,征地费用和达到“七通一平”的土地开发费用分 别上涨了20%和30%。 (2)C宗地:占地25000㎡,于2005年9月1日通过出让方式取得。宗地已达到“三通一平”的开发程度。按照 2009年9月的市场行情,该宗地若出租经营,每年土地净收益可达55万元。(3)D宗地:占地3.5h㎡,于2009年9月以国家作价入股方式取 得,40年期、“七通一平”条件下作价425元/㎡。

 表中数值表示B、C、D各宗地与A宗地的比较,负值表示案例宗地比A宗地的对应条件差,正值表示案例宗地的条件优于A宗地。 根 据当地2009年9月的土地市场情况,从征地到完成“七通一平”的土地开发需要1年的时间,土地开发费分季度投入,每季度投资额相等,在季内均匀投入;设 定土地开发资金的贷款季利率为l.5%,需按季度按复利计算利息;土地开发的投资回报率为l0%;土地增值收益率为20%;土地还原率取6%。 相对A宗地而言,其50年土地使用权价格因于发程度不同而有差异:达到“七通一平,,时地价比“五通一平”高100元/㎡,达到“五通一平”时地价比“三通一平”高60元/㎡。根据以上资料,回答51~55小题的问题。




