问题 单项选择题





     Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to "market day" with my mother. One day each
week, farmers used to   1   their fruit and vegetables into the city. They   2   one street to all cars, and the
farmers set up tables for their   3  . This outdoor market was a great place to   4  . Everything was fresher
than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in   5   after the harvest. My mother and I
always got there early in the morning to get the   6   produce.
     The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child,   7   was like a festival-full of colors
and   8  . There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, onions. The farmers did
their-own   9  . They all shouted loudly for  10  to buy their produce. "Come and buy my beautiful oranges!
They're juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to  11  your children healthy and strong!"
     Everyone used to  12  with the farmers over the  13  of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in
a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the " 14 " in this drama. My mother was an  15  at this. First, she picked
the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.
     "What?" she said. She looked very surprised. "So  16 ?"
     The seller looked terribly  17 . "My dear lady!" he replied. "I'm a poor,  18  farmer. These are the cheapest
tomatoes on the market!"
     They always argued for several minutes before agreeing  19  a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left.
Both buyer and seller were  20 . The drama was over.
( )1.A. carry       
( )2.A. opened      
( )3.A. produce     
( )4.A. buy         
( )5.A. hurriedly   
( )6.A. best        
( )7.A. who         
( )8.A. voices      
( )9.A. shopping    
( )10.A. customers  
( )11.A. keep       
( )12.A. argue      
( )13.A. order      
( )14.A. viewers    
( )15.A. actress    
( )16.A. wonderful  
( )17.A. injured    
( )18.A. excellent  
( )19.A. with       
( )20.A. disappointed
B. take      
B. closed    
B. goods     
B. sell      
B. immediately
B. finest    
B. that      
B. noises    
B. business  
B. producers 
B. let       
B. talk      
B. price     
B. listeners 
B. inventor  
B. exciting  
B. hurt      
B. fair      
B. to        
B. encouraged
C. bring     
C. started   
C. food      
C. bargain   
C. directly  
C. freshest  
C. which     
C. sounds    
C. shouting  
C. themselves
C. expect    
C. discuss   
C. quality   
C. actors    
C. advancer  
C. cheap     
C. damaged   
C. honest       
C. in        
C. satisfied 
D. fetch     
D. stopped   
D. product   
D. shop      
D. straightly
D. cheapest  
D. what      
D. accent    
D. advertising              
D. sellers   
D. make      
D. speak     
D. form      
D. directors 
D. expert    
D. expensive 
D. wounded   
D. easy      
D. on        
D. tired     

①一种观念,如果仅是直观的泛说,而未加以分析,很难形成理论体系,当然也就不易接受和“操作”.对传统文化观念进行现代诠释亦即证明,是我们提倡的科学态度.对待中国传统文化中的某些观念,不能视为几何学中的公理.如“天人合一",今天借用,就必须确定“天"与“人”各自的科学含义,否则很容易陷入唯心主义的范围.再如弘扬“忠”、“孝”,离开科学的诠释,也难免会出毛病.②我们的先人倡导“普遍和谐”,但很难实现;今人依然钟情“普遍和谐”,并努力付诸行动.自然界、人与自然、人与人、人自身内与外在时空两无限中,根本属性是和谐;一时畸形,事出有因.从这个角度看,人类的斗争恰是一种“正畸矫形”的手段. ③中国传统文化中,涉及道德修养与社会伦理关系的观念很不少.其中,“内圣外王之道"值得研究.这种说法的原意是,人的道德修养达到完美的地步,社会问题就解决了.实际上,“内圣外王之道”始终停留在宣传阶段.古人的“内圣说”是缺乏约束力的一种泛道德主义历史观念,历史已经诠释了它的作用.“内圣”,不可能成为“外王”的主要条件.现代社会面临着种种深刻的矛盾和问题,它需要科学的管理系统来调节、来解决.所以今天尤不宜再大唱“内圣外王”的高调.这并不是说我们敌视“内圣”甚至要摒弃传统文化观念;恰恰相反,我们认为,没有对古代传统文化的批判继承,就没有现代的、科学的文化观念的发展.④明了这一点还不够.回顾历史,中国人“有容乃大”,曾真诚的“吸纳百川”.在唐朝,西域的音乐、舞蹈,印度的佛教文化都请了进来,当时佛经“百十倍”于儒家经典,中国文化并没有因此萎缩,反而繁荣发展了.现代中国人在这一点上是不会逊于古人的,而且更讲究科学的态度.




