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The total on advertising spent on the Chinese mainland last year rose by 25 per cent over 2003, a survey shows.

Expense reached US$23 3 billion, including television and print media, the survey/vas released by CTR Market Re-search on February 23, 2005.

The cosmetics and toiletries化妆品) sector was ranked No.1 in spending with US$4.8 billion, an increase of 34 percent.

Advertising can be seen as the "weather glass" of the overall development of the country's economy, said Tian Tao, deputy general manager of CTR..

"The results of the survey reflect strong economic development in the country," Tian said.

"One of the most interesting-findings from the survey is that local and foreign mobile phone manufacturers reacted quite differently in terms of advertising spending," Tian said.

Most local mobile phone manufacturers had decreasing advertising expense while the foreign ones saw significant growth, Tian said.

Researchers also found that advertising on so called functional drink categories(种类) increased while milk makers decreased after a clear increase in advertising spending in 2003.

The survey also includes figures from Hong Kong and Taiwan, advertising expense in Hong Kong reached US $ 4.8 billion, an increase of roughly 15 per Cent from the previous year. Taiwan advertising spending reached US $15 billion, up roughly 27 per cent from the previous year.

In Hong Kong, the top three advertising categories were household and toiletries~ banking and investment services, and cosmetics.

In Taiwan, the top three advertising categories were real estate(房地产) , automobile and financial institutions.

小题1:The first largest advertising spending on the Chinese mainland in the year 2004 was  .

A.real estate


C.the cosmetics and toiletries

D.automobile小题2:Advertising can be seen as the "weather glass" of the overall development of the country's economy because the rise of the advertising spending reflects strong __.

A.agricultural development in the country

B.trade development in the country

C.industrial development in the country

D.economic development in the country小题3:According to the passage, the advertising expense on __ dropped in the year 2004.

A.most foreign mobile phones

B.most local mobile phones

C.so-called functional drink categories

D.banking and investment services小题4:According to the passage, the growth. rate on advertising spending of __ is the fastest.

A.the Chinese mainland

B.Hong Kong

