问题 单项选择题

既有损失机会又有获利可能的风险是( )。




解析: 按风险性质划分,风险可分为纯粹风险与投机风险:前者指只有损失机会而无 获利可能的风险,后者指既有损失机会又有获利可能的风险。


For many people, the story of cottages — small vacation homes away from the city — is a deeply personal one. For some families, cottages have been the scene of reunions, vacations and family adventures for generations.

In North America, “cottaging(去乡间别墅度周末)” really began during the 19th century. At that time, crowds of people were moving from family farms to cities. Naturally, these people often felt a longing for the natural beauty of the countryside. Frequently located near lakes, in the mountains of woods, cottages provided a perfect solution.

Traditionally small and rustic (乡下风格的),many cottages were once simple log(原木) homes without bathrooms, water or electricity. While in most cases that is no longer true, people still go to cottages in large numbers to escape the city and to enjoy “cottage life.”

Despite the peaceful setting, there is always plenty to do at a cottage. If you enjoy outdoor activities, try hunting, boating or hiking. Many cottages are located near a lake, so you have opportunities to go swimming, boating or sunbathing around. Enjoy a picnic with your family, or build a campfire to roast hot dogs. On rainy days, curl up(蜷曲) on a comfortable chair inside and read, or enjoy board games (棋类游戏) with your friends and relatives. Want to get out and explore? Take a tour of the lake in a motorboat, or visit one of the many small villages located nearby.

Many families rent cottages instead of owning them, but for those who do, there’s always work to be done. Wood must be chopped for the stove. Leaves need to be gathered and gardens taken care of. Since many cottages are old buildings, there’s usually something that needs to be fixed or painted.

The story of cottages is one of families, traditions and memories. Are you ready to try cottaging with your family?

小题1:The underlined word “longing” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_________ ”.




D.excitement小题2:What do we know about a cottage?

A.It is far from lakes.

B.It is not popular now.

C.It was probably built of wood.

D.It was built in a short time.小题3:Which of the following does NOT belong to the activities mentioned in the text?

A.Sunbathing and swimming.

B.Hunting, hiking and boating,

C.Having a picnic and roasting hot dogs.

D.Playing football and watching games on TV.小题4:Which of the following words can best describe the author’s attitude towards“cottaging”?






齐某在抢劫时被蔡某等人当场抓获。公安机关讯问时,齐某对抢劫行为供认不讳,并指认参与抓获他的蔡某曾强 * * 过妇女。对齐某的抢劫案经一审判决后,检察院以量刑过轻为由提出了抗诉。在二审过程中,齐某又供认曾有盗窃行为。二审法院调查后证实齐某供认的盗窃属实,并构成盗窃罪。二审法院据此直接判处齐某抢劫罪和盗窃罪两罪并罚。因齐某的指认,公安机关对蔡某强 * * 案进行侦查。受害妇女艾某证实曾遭强 * * ,所描述的作案人体貌特征与蔡某相似,但因事隔一年,经辨认却又不能肯定是蔡某。讯问蔡某时,蔡某不承认。后因侦查人员逼供,蔡某被迫承认,但所供述的内容与艾某所述作案过程在细节上多有不符。本案虽无其他证据;但检察院仍决定提起公诉。法院审理期间,正在外地服刑的齐某承认,强 * * 艾某的是他自己。齐某所交代的强 * * 犯罪过程与艾某所述细节相符,经查证,齐某的这一供述属实,法院因此判决蔡某无罪,根据以上事例,请回答下列问题:




