问题 阅读理解与欣赏


小题1:下列各项中,对作品故事情节的叙述不正确的两项是              (  )

A.到了这时,瑞珏的最后一道防线被攻破了。她收拾起假的笑容,伏在桌上低声哭起来。听到“血光之灾”的鬼话后,瑞珏哭了,拒绝到城外分娩。觉新对长辈还有所期待,要去讲理;觉民认为“担当不起那不孝的罪名”,只好依从;觉慧态度坚决,主张不能屈服,“应该反抗”。 (《家》)

B.宝玉因为误踢了袭人,心中十分不安,忙着请医问药,设法调治。由于这几天诸事烦心,端阳午宴竟然十分冷淡。宝玉闷闷不乐,长吁短叹。晴雯给宝玉换衣时失手把他的扇子跌折,宝玉便训斥了她几句,晴雯的自尊心受到伤害,还击了一通,把宝玉“气得浑身乱颤”。而宝玉赴宴回来,仍和晴雯有说有笑。听说晴雯喜欢听撕扇子的声音,就把手中的扇子给她撕了,又把麝月的扇子也抢来给她撕了。 (《红楼梦》)

C.葛朗台因为欧也妮赠予情人全部私蓄而狂怒,折磨死妻子,剥夺独生女对母亲遗产的继承权。欧也妮在痴情的期待中损耗了青春,最终等到的却是发财归来而移情别恋的负心汉,她悲痛欲绝。 (《欧也妮·葛朗台》)

D.曹操攻打下邳,吕布留恋妻妾,不听刘备分兵出城布掎角之势的建议,被重重围住,终日忧闷。侯成违反禁酒令被吕布杖打,遂盗赤兔马献给曹操,并约魏续、宋宪献城。吕布被擒,请刘备为他求情。刘备念辕门射戟之恩,出言相救,曹操不喜不忠不义之人,最终缢死吕布。(《三国演义》)E.克洛德利用甘果瓦把爱斯梅拉达骗出了巴黎圣母院,带到格雷沃广场,指着绞刑架要爱斯梅拉达在死亡和爱他之间选择一个。爱斯梅拉达宁死不屈,让他陷入疯狂之中,又哭又恳求又威胁,最后他绝望了,将爱斯梅拉达交给隐修女看管,叫来了军警。                                            (《巴黎圣母院》)




选第(   )题





(2)有一次,两位姑姑打电报要涅赫留朵夫顺道去看她们,而他却不肯前往,卡秋莎冒着风雨深夜赶到火车站去见他。(2分)卡秋莎把脸贴到窗玻璃上敲打窗子,但涅赫柳多夫没有听到,关上了车窗。火车开动了,卡秋莎紧跟不舍。(2分)无望后卡秋莎想卧轨自杀,但肚里的孩子使她打消了这个念头。 (l分)




Visiting the Embassies of Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.is known for its many museums and government buildings.It is also home to embassies(大使馆)from more than 170 countries. Many of these buildings around the city have interesting histories. Some embassies are in large historical homes. Others were built more recently to show the building desihgn of their countries. Many embassies hold special cultural(文化)events.

The Embassy of Uzbekistan

It is in a richly decorated(装修)home built in 1906 by a wealthy banker, Clarence Moore. But Mr Moore did not live to enjoy his house for very long. He died on board the ship Titanic, which sank 1912·This building served as the Canadian Embassy before Uzbekistan bought it in 1996.

The Embassy of Finland

The Italian Embassy is near Massachusetts Avenue. Nearby, the Embassy of Finland looks like it is built out of blocks of glass.Its design is modern,but it fits in nicely with the natural environment around it.A screen of plants covers part of the front of the building.Inside.visitors Can look through large glass windows deep into the wooded areas of Rock Creek Park. The Finnish Embassy holds many interesting exhibits.

The Embassy of France

It is in a gated area off Reservoir Road.The embassy’s cultural center, La Maison Francaise, organizes many cultural events.Also.if you are very lucky, you might be invited to a party at the home of the French ambassador(大使).This extraordinary home in the Kalorama neighborhood looks like a palace。Organizations like the Washington Opera sometimes hp1d events in this beautiful house。

The International Center

Last month,China opened a new embassy in the area of Washington called the International Center.C.C.Pei and L.C。Pei designed the building.Measuring more than 10.000 square meters,this is One of the biggest embassies in Washington.C.C.Pei said the areas of plants around the embassy were to present people a natural and calming design.

小题1:Which embassy was once a large historical home?

A.The International Center.

B.The Embassy of Finland.

C.The Embassy of France.

D.The Embassy of Uzbekistan.小题2:What can we learn about the International Center from the text?

A.It once belonged to a rich banker.

B.It was built out of blocks of glass.

C.It stands in the Kalorama neighborhood.

D.It is a newly—constructed building.小题3:At the Embassy of France,you can      .

A.see many exhibits of great interest        

B.attend events in La Maison Francaise

C.invite the French ambassador home     

D.visit its designers C.C.Pei and L.C.Pei

小题4:This text is most probably taken from

A.a science magazine

B.a medical report

C.a travel guide

D.a history textbook